De EDT útdaging

Dit jier nûgje wy eltsenien út om om de Europeeske Dei fan de Talen hinne in taal-útdaging oan te gean! 51 útdagings, werjûn yn in hânboek, moedigje minsken dy’t leare oan om in bytsje út harren komfortsône te stappen en de talleaze mooglikheden te benutsjen dy‘t harren foardogge om in taal te brûken of mear te learen oer in taal bûten de kontekst fan in klas- of leslokaal. You can choose easy challenges that don’t involve much time – such as “count from 1-10 in 3 different languages within one minute” to ones that are a bit more demanding “ together with a friend, write the words to a song/rap in a foreign language”. There should be something for everyone and you may discover that you actually know more than you think about languages!

If you cannot decide which challenge to start with, let chance decide for you by clicking on the wheel below. If you enjoy the challenges so much that you manage to complete 10 or more of them, you can reward yourself with a certificate using the link below and, if you are willing to show the world your language ability, why not take the 51st challenge “what do you dare to do in a foreign language?” (see below).

Download the handbook in English

Taal útdaging fan de dei: Memorize and recite a short text (poem/song/story) in a foreign language!

Did you complete 10 challenges or more?

Request your EDL language challenge 2022 certificate

Did you complete 10 challenges or more?

Request your EDL language challenge 2022 certificate

You don't know which challenge to start with?

Let Wheel-decide decide for you!

‘What do you dare to do in a foreign language?’

Upload your video from the 51st language challenge here.