The EDL language challenges handbook

This year we are inviting everyone to participate in a language challenge around the European Day of Languages! The 51 challenges contained within the handbook encourage learners to go a little outside their comfort zone and take advantage of the plentiful opportunities available to practice or learn more about a language beyond a classroom context. You can choose easy challenges that don’t involve much time – such as “count from 1-10 in 3 different languages within one minute” to ones that are a bit more demanding “ together with a friend, write the words to a song/rap in a foreign language”. There should be something for everyone and you may discover that you actually know more than you think about languages!

If you cannot decide which challenge to start with, let chance decide for you by clicking on the wheel below. If you enjoy the challenges so much that you manage to complete 10 or more of them, you can reward yourself with a certificate using the link below and, if you are willing to show the world your language ability, why not take the 51st challenge “what do you dare to do in a foreign language?” (see below).

Download the handbook in Luxembourgish

Language challenge of the day: Ech hunn an enger Minutt eng Persoun a 5 Sprooche begréisst (zum Beispill « Moien » gesot etc.) oder hir souguer « Ech hunn dech gär » gesot.

Hues du 10 oder méi Defie realiséiert?

Wëlls du e Certificat fir d’linguistesch Defien 2022 vum EDS?
Ech confirméieren, dass ech dës Defien erfollegräich gemeeschtert hunn.

Du weess net mat wéi engem Defi ufänken?

Looss de “Wheel-decide” fir dech entscheeden!

Wat traus du dech an enger Friemsprooch ze maachen?

Luet däi Video fir den 51. Sproochendefi hei erop.