Previous initiatives

 Initiative 2024 
Thank you for your participation!

Over 5238 posters, countless creative ideas, and one shared goal: promoting unity through languages! While only five posters were named as the top 5, everyone is a winner, because you speak the languages that bring us together. Explore our gallery to discover a new poster every time you click – it is a celebration of how beautifully peace speaks every language. Merci, Grazie, Danke, Mulțumesc, Ďakujem, and Thank You to everyone who participated! Your creativity has shown that languages are not just words, but powerful tools for connection and understanding. Thank you for making this initiative a true celebration of diversity and peace.

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Initiative 2024: Thank you for your participation!

Over 5238 posters, countless creative ideas, and one shared goal: promoting unity through languages! While only five posters were named as the top 5, everyone is a winner, because you speak the languages that bring us together. Explore our gallery to discover a new poster every time you click – it is a celebration of how beautifully peace speaks every language. Merci, Grazie, Danke, Mulțumesc, Ďakujem, and Thank You to everyone who participated! Your creativity has shown that languages are not just words, but powerful tools for connection and understanding. Thank you for making this initiative a true celebration of diversity and peace.

Languages in my classroom/school

How many languages are spoken in your classroom or school? For this challenge we are inviting you to create a poster showcasing all the languages present in your learning environment.

 Initiative 2023 
Languages in my classroom/school

How many languages are spoken in your classroom or school? For this challenge we are inviting you to create a poster showcasing all the languages present in your learning environment.

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Multilingual tongue twister challenge

How many tongue twisters, in at least 3 different languages, can you manage in one minute? Tongue twisters are tricky in one language, not to mention in 3 or more. These are not for the faint-hearted! You can prove just how good you are by submitting a video either individually or with friend. We have already received over 150 submissions. Some are indeed very good. Check them out below!

 Initiative 2022 
Multilingual tongue twister challenge

How many tongue twisters, in at least 3 different languages, can you manage in one minute? Tongue twisters are tricky in one language, not to mention in 3 or more. These are not for the faint-hearted! You can prove just how good you are by submitting a video either individually or with friend. We have already received over 150 submissions. Some are indeed very good. Check them out below!

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 Initiative 2024 
Most difficult letter/word/phrase to pronounce!

For example, the letter 'Ř' (a ‘raised alveolar non-sonorant trill’!) from Czech is reputed to be one of the most difficult letters to pronounce in the world – except (of course) if you are Czech! Can you come up with something just as difficult to pronounce or even more so – either in your own language or in the one you are learning? If so, send us a short video illustrating this challenging piece of oral dexterity and why it is challenging! We will select a winner of Europe's most difficult utterances to then be featured on the EDL website.

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Initiative: Most difficult letter/word/phrase to pronounce!

The beauty of languages

Every language harbours intriguing expressions, often accompanied by interesting or amusing anecdotes related to their usage. These reflect the unique charm and elegance of a language. Can you come up with an expression that you love – either from your native language or one you're learning— and provide the backstory or anecdote that explains its meaning?

 Initiative 2023 
The beauty of languages

Every language harbours intriguing expressions, often accompanied by interesting or amusing anecdotes related to their usage. These reflect the unique charm and elegance of a language. Can you come up with an expression that you love – either from your native language or one you're learning— and provide the backstory or anecdote that explains its meaning?

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