La Commission européenne et la JEL − 2023


How much do you know about the EU’s 24 official languages? In the run-up to the European Day of Languages on 26 September, DG Translation (DGT) is launching a social media campaign featuring fun facts about each of them. You – or your family and friends – can also attend some of the numerous events and activities taking place across Europe and online, and order this year’s multilingual poster. 

We will kick off the EDL campaign publishing the new EDL poster on 1 September. Starting on 2 September, each day DGT will post fun facts about a different official language. 
Challenge yourself, see how much you know about our official languages, and share the posts from DGT’s social media channels (#EDLangs):

This year’s celebrations coincide with the 20th anniversary of the ‘Big Bang’ EU enlargement (adding 9 new official languages) and the publication of the Eurobarometer survey on Europeans and their languages. These will be the focus of online events organised by DG EAC, DGT and DG SCIC on 26 September: 

Poster 2023

English   Français

Poster 2022

  Download pdf

Événements de la JEL 2023                 

Les bureaux extérieurs de traduction de la Commission européenne participent à l'organisation de plus de 80 événements qui se déroulent dans des villes de toute l'Europe ! Un grand nombre de ces événements sont des activités en ligne : quiz, concours radiophoniques, webinaires, ateliers interactifs, jeux, mini-cours de langues et conférences. Vous pouvez y participer de n'importe où. Vous trouverez les détails de tous ces événements dans le calendrier du CELV et ici.

Online events on 26 September

"Europeans and their languages"

Online session 12.00 - 13.00

This year, we will focus on the results of the 2024 Eurobarometer on Europeans and their languages and compare them with the 2012 Eurobarometer results.

We will connect live with some of the EU countries that achieved positive results, including Finland, Spain and Czech Republic. Together, we will try to identify key factors of success.

KCI Virtual Café on EDL “Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the 2004 EU enlargement"

Online session 15.00 - 16.45

This year, the EU celebrates 20 years of its biggest enlargement: on 1 May 2004, ten countries (Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) joined the European Union, which grew from 15 to 25 members. This historic enlargement of the EU, increasing the number of Member States by two-thirds overnight, was the culmination of a long accession process. It signalled the reunification of a Europe that had been divided for half a century. The enlargement made the EU the world's largest integrated market and increased trade between Member States, contributing to economic growth both in the EU and the acceding countries. 

Have a look at the draft programme! 

The 2004 enlargement languages will be in the spotlight: our interpreters will be providing simultaneous interpretation from all of them into French, German and English, providing participants with a nice opportunity to witness simultaneous interpretation in action. 

Celebrate the European Day of Languages with us!