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Citazioni celebri

Tutti conosciamo le citazioni di personaggi famosi nella nostra lingua e cultura, ma quante altre ne conosciamo in lingue diverse? Ecco un'occasione per scoprire la saggezza, le verità (o le mezze verità!), la creatività, l'umorismo e, a volte, il cinismo di una serie di culture e lingue, nonché le loro origini. Hai una citazione preferita? Saremmo lieti se anche tu volessi contribuire con la tua!
5 quote(s)
Pages count: 1


Het gelukken is soms ’t eindresultaat van een heele serie mislukkingen. Success is sometimes the outcome of a whole string of failures.

By Vincent Van Gogh


Eenzaam maar niet alleen. Lonely but not alone.

By Queen Wilhelmina
It´s the title of her book published in 1959. Queen Wilhemina (1880-1962) reigned for an amazing 50 years (1898-1948). Sadly in her personal life she was married to a prince of ill-repute and she never received any love. So when she wrote her biography in the fifties, she gave it the sad title ‘Eenzaam maar niet alleen’.


Vindt maar mooi zooveel je kunt, de meesten vinden niet genoeg mooi. Find things beautiful as much as you can, most people find too little beautiful.

By Vincent Van Gogh


Elk nadeel heeft zijn voordeel. Every disadvantage has its advantage.

By Johan Cruyff, Dutch professional football player


De best stuurlui staan aan wal. The best helmsman stands ashore.

By Unknown
The origin is unknown but it is common already by the 17th century. It implies that those seeing a ship in a storm from the shore think they can better determine how the ship should be steered while in reality they would most likely panic in that situation themselves. It is used to indicate that it is easy to criticise other´s work, when one is merely watching from the sidelines.