Language trivia

Items count: 2
ID Language Language fact Edit
57 German German phrases are always full of surprise because of the unusual word order. Quite often the verb (that says what actually happened) is at the end of a sentence. Imagine a phrase like “The postman was *1* by the huge dog waiting for him since the sun had risen *2*.” While in English you’d put the verb in the middle of the phrase (*1*) in German you’d only know at the end (*2*) what actually happened: he was bitten/welcomed/chased/…..
58 Basque Basque language, called EUSKARA in Basque, is believed to be one of the oldest European languages. It is a pre-Indo-European language whose origins are unknown, and it remains unrelated, unclassified, in relation to the world's language families. A person who speaks Basque is called euskalduna.