Avropa Dilləri Gününü bizimlə qeyd edin!

Avropa boyunca Avropa Şurasının 46 dövlət ölkəsinin təmsil etdiyi 700 milyon avropalı hər bir yaşda, istər məktəbdə, istərsə də məktəbdən kənarda daha çox dil öyrənməyə təşviq edilməkdədirlər. Linqvistik müxtəlifliyin yüksək mədəniyyətlərarası anlaşmaya nail olmağın əsas aləti və bizim qitənin zəngin mədəni irsinin əsas elementi olduğuna inanaraq, Avropa Şurası bütün Avropada çoxdilliliyi dəstəkləyir. 
Avropa Dilləri Günü Avropa Şurasının təşəbbüsü ilə 2001-ci ildən etibarən hər il sentyabrın 26- da Avropa Komissiyası ilə birgə qeyd olunur.
Avropa Dilləri Günü münasibətilə Avropa Şurasının Baş Katibi Mariya Pejčinović Burić-in Bəyanatı
"The European Day of Languages reminds us that learning a language is a step towards openness and respect for other cultures."



Languages in my classroom/school

How many languages are spoken in your classroom or school? For this challenge we are inviting you to create a poster showcasing all the languages present in your learning environment.

Languages in my classroom/school

How many languages are spoken in your classroom or school? For this challenge we are inviting you to create a poster showcasing all the languages present in your learning environment.

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All 1900 posters are online now!

The beauty of languages

Every language harbours intriguing expressions, often accompanied by interesting or amusing anecdotes related to their usage. These reflect the unique charm and elegance of a language. Can you come up with an expression that you love – either from your native language or one you're learning— and provide the backstory or anecdote that explains its meaning?

The beauty of languages

Every language harbours intriguing expressions, often accompanied by interesting or amusing anecdotes related to their usage. These reflect the unique charm and elegance of a language. Can you come up with an expression that you love – either from your native language or one you're learning— and provide the backstory or anecdote that explains its meaning?

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Poll: Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the future of language learning

Which of the following first come to mind when you think of AI in relation to language learning?

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Poll: Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the future of language learning

Which of the following first come to mind when you think of AI in relation to language learning?
(Choose a maximum of 3)

Poll: Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the future of language learning

2023's 'most innovative event' is
Message in a Bottle

The event received 480+ votes and was organised by Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2023.

EDL Köynək müsabiqəsi

Bizə öz dizayn/şəkil/qrafik təsvirlərinizi göndərin və bunların ADG Köynəyində yerləşdirilməsinin şahidi olunƏtraflı məlumat üçün
Və ya sadəcə olaraq ADG-nin rəsmi  Köynəyini almaq.

New in 2023 

New in 2023 

New: Lara’s next journey - through Europe’s Regional and Minority Languages

Lara sets off on a new language journey - On this chapter of her journey, Lara explores the fascinating world of regional and minority languages and, being inquisitive, she, of course, uncovers many linguistic treasures!

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The funniest one and only multilingual joke book

In how many languages can you make someone laugh? Following an extremely strict selection process (involving a jury of individuals who aren’t easy to please!) we ‘proudly’ present the results of this 2022 initiative. From the over 700 jokes that were submitted (not all of them publishable!) we have painstakingly whittled this down to the ‘crème de la crème’ of multilingual humour. 


For fans of ‘Christmas cracker’ jokes – this is a must... You are most welcome to continue to submit new and even funnier jokes with a multilingual element for Volume 2...! View page

Poster " Another  20 things you might not know about the world of languages"

Are you a language detective?

Can you recognise all the languages being displayed in the game?

Are you a language detective?

Can you recognise all the languages being displayed in the game?

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Word of the year

Every year, countries throughout Europe participate in the tradition of selecting a "word of the year." Here are the words from the previous year!

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Word of the year

Every year, countries throughout Europe participate in the tradition of selecting a "word of the year." This practice involves choosing a single word or phrase that reflects the social, cultural, or political trends and events of the year. The word of the year serves as a symbolic representation of the collective consciousness and prevailing themes within a society. It captures the zeitgeist and becomes a reflection of the shared experiences, concerns, and aspirations of the people.

Poster "Counting your way around Europe"

- Deutsch

Poster "Say YES to languages"


The secret agent’s language challenges app  2023 

The app has been updated with a new ‘language detective’ challenge in 2023. Can you succeed where others have stumbled? The app has been updated with a new ‘language detective’ challenge in 2023. Can you succeed where others have stumbled?

The secret agent’s language challenges app  2023 

The challenges and quizzes contained within this app encourage learners – future international agents – to take advantage of the plentiful opportunities available to practice or learn more about a language beyond a classroom context. By passing through a series of levels you can rise from a lowly agent in training to become a master secret agent.
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Brain game: Greek alphabet

How fast can you complete this challenge?

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Where am I?

You'll be shown 20 random images from all over Europe. Can you find out, where those images where taken? Use your language skills and the virtual magnifying glass to find hints in the picture. Good luck!

Send us your own pictures for this game here!

Where am I?

You'll be shown 20 random images from all over Europe. Can you find out, where those images where taken? Use your language skills and the virtual magnifying glass to find hints in the picture. Good luck!

And: Add your own images to the game!

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Bake a cake!

For the 20th anniversary of the European Day of Languages we asked you to send us your best birthday cake recipes. We now have chosen 20 amazing recipes and put them into a colourful booklet.

Celebrate with us by baking one of these truly European birthday cakes!

Download the book

Famous quotes

We are all familiar with quotes from famous personalities in our own languages and cultures - but how many do we know from elsewhere in different languages? Here is a chance to discover the wisdom, truths (or half-truths!), creativity, humour and sometimes downright cynicism from a range of cultures and languages as well as their origins. Do you have a favourite? We would be delighted if you would also contribute some of your own!

Famous quotes

We are all familiar with quotes from famous personalities in our own languages and cultures - but how many do we know from elsewhere in different languages? Here is a chance to discover the wisdom, truths (or half-truths!), creativity, humour and sometimes downright cynicism from a range of cultures and languages as well as their origins. Do you have a favourite? We would be delighted if you would also contribute some of your own!
Quote of the day:

Što ne boli – to nije život, što ne prolazi – to nije sreća. What doesn't hurt - is not life; what doesn't pass - is not happiness.

By Ivo Andrić, Yugoslav author and diplomat, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1961.

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Bu hansı dildir?

Bu vəziyyət hamıya tanışdır: avtobusda, kafedə, küçədə biz iki nəfərin xarici dildə danışdığını eşidirik və bunun hansı dil olduğu haqqında düşünürük. Gəlin burda bir təlim keçək və gələn dəfə bu halla qarşılaşdıqda dili asanlıqla müəyyən edin!
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ADG Dil Tapşırığı

Kitabçaya daxil edilmiş 51 tapşırıq şağirdləri öz rahatlıq zonalarından bir qədər kənara çıxmasına və sinifdən kənarda dildən istifadə etmək və ya dil haqqında daha çox öyrənmək üçün mövcud olan saysız imkanlardan yararlanmağa həvəsləndirir. 

Daha çox məlumat üçün

Questions you never dared to ask about languages

For this year’s European Day of Languages we have produced a series of short video clips focusing on ‘Questions you never dared to ask about languages’ with experts covering a range of backgrounds and specialisations responding.
As the title suggests, the questions are ones that we might not wish to ask in front of an audience but, in fact, highlight important issues and address some popular misconceptions about languages and language learning. Do you have a question you would like to ask an expert?

To see subtitles on the videos, please activate this feature by clicking on ‘subtitles’ in the YouTube menu below the video. To change languages, click on the gear wheel and select subtitles>’automatically translate’ and select the desired language (the machine translation is provided by YouTube).

Questions you never dared to ask about languages

For this year’s European Day of Languages we have produced a series of short video clips focusing on ‘Questions you never dared to ask about languages’ with experts covering a range of backgrounds and specialisations responding.

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Siz də dilləri öyrənə bilərsiniz!

Broşuru yükləyin!

Yeni tədbirlər

3/12/2023 - 15/12/2023
Experimental Senior High School of Patras University
26/9/2023 - 22/12/2023
Senior High School of Intercultural Education of Eastern Thessaloniki
26/9/2023 - 22/12/2023
Junior High School of Intercultural Education of Eastern Thessaloniki
26/9/2023 - 31/12/2023
Junior High School of Intercultural Education of Eastern Thessaloniki
27/9/2023 - 17/11/2023
1st Primary School of Agii Anargyri
26/9/2023 - 27/9/2023
50th High School of Athens

Bütün tədbirlərə baxın

20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

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20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

Struggling to find ideas for an event for this year’s European Day of Languages? It can be challenging to organise events that are fun, inclusive, have an educational element and motivate a large number of people. Below are a few ideas to get your creative thoughts flowing, most of which are based on the principle of “starting small to go big”! 20 ideas for activities that can be carried in celebration of this year's EDL.
  2023-cu il üçün statistika






Myth or fact?

1. My mother tongue is all I need.

Myth   Fact

2. I’m not bilingual/multilingual. I can only speak one language.

Myth   Fact

3. Most people in the world use more than one language.

Myth   Fact

4. English is the only language children need.

Myth   Fact

5. Children get confused if they learn more than one language at the same time.

Myth   Fact

6. I can’t help a child to learn or use a language I don’t know (well enough) myself.

Myth   Fact

7. If learners don’t know the language of schooling, they’ll learn it best by being exposed to that language only - and by using that language only.

Myth   Fact

8. Continued use of the home language(s) will interfere with children’s learning of the language of schooling.

Myth   Fact

9. My job is to teach X as a foreign language and not to deal with other languages in my classroom.

Myth   Fact

Həftənin İKT dil aləti

SurveyMonkey (online survey creation)

An online survey creation tool. With a free account, up to 10 questions can be made and 100 responses collected. There is a wide range of question types (dropdown, multiple choice, comment box etc.). ... view details

View all tools

Siz bilirdinizmi…

Avropa Dilləri Günü Avropa Şurasının Avropa Müasir Dillər Mərkəzi tərəfindən dəstəklənir və koordinasiya edilir? Avropa Şurası qitənin insan hüquqlarını müdafiə edən aparıcı təşkilatıdır. Avropa İttifaqına üzv
olan bütün dövlətlər daxil olmaqla, təşkilat 46 üzv dövlətdən ibarətdir 


Dil bacarıqlarınızı özünüz qiymətləndirin

“Dil bacarıqlarınızı özünüz qiymətləndirin” adlı alət bildiyiniz dillər üzrə bacarığınızı Dillər Üzrə Ümumavropa Tövsiyə Çərçivə Sənədində (CEFR) təsvir edilmiş altı istinad səviyyəsinə uyğun qiymətləndirməkdə sizə kömək edəcək.

İndi başlayın!