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 Iniciativa 2023 
Jazyky v mé třídě/škole

Kolika jazyky se mluví ve vaší třídě nebo ve vaší škole? V této výzvě vás zveme k vytvoření plakátu představujícího všechny jazyky, které se vyskytují ve vašem studijním prostředí.

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The 5 top posters

A selection from the many posters we really liked!

All 1900 entries

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Poster 2023
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Items count: 2777
Pages count: 3
ID From File Edit
790 (AT)

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789 Radmila Kovačević-Kuzmanović (RS)
OŠ "Vojvoda Radomir Putnik", Beoograd
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788 Carine Schutters (BE)
Collège Saint-Louis 1st grade class i
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787 Fevga Alina (RO)
Liceul Tehnologic Lazăr Edeleanu Navodari
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786 David Castellarnau Serrano (ES)
Itaca school from Vilanova i la Geltrú
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785 Ingrida Taraude (IE)
Diaspora Latvian language and culture school Tullow school in Ireland
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784 Alejandro Miguel Rosal Castillo (TD)
Instituto itaca
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783 Adisa Barić (BA)
Osnovna škola "Kiseljak 2"
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782 Biljana Jovanova (MK)
jovanova_bibi@ yahoo.com
Primary school Vlado Tasevski Skopje
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781 Astrid Haugland Ødemotland (NO)
Bryne Videregående Skule
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780 Marie Langenes (NO)
Bryne Vidergående
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779 charlotte moog (GB)
godolphin latymer school, london
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778 Lidija Brleković (HR)
Osnovna škola Sračinec Hrvatska
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777 (AT)

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776 (TR)

okul tam bi handicap
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775 Lidija Brleković (HR)
Osnovna škola Sračinec Varaždinska ulica 98 42209 Sračinec
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774 Lidija Brleković (HR)
Osnovna škola Sračinec
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773 (ZW)

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772 Vojtěch Foff (CZ)
Zš mosty u Jablunkova 750
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771 jgfhhj jfghf (AT)
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ST class of the 1st primary school of Malesina
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769 sun äitis (FI)

sun äitis
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768 Zoya Qureshi (GB)
Hodge hill girls school
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767 Jana Kubaliaková (SK)
Stredná odborná škola Štefánikova 2723/120 069 27 SNINA
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766 Evangelia Papathanasiou (GR)
20th Kindergarten Kalamata - Greece
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765 (AT)

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764 (PT)

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763 Magdalena Więsko (PL)
Zespół Szkół nr.1 im.Bolesława Chrobrego
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761 Ana Campo (ES)
Saturnino de la Peña
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760 Lupu Mihaela (RO)
Clasa a VIII-a C, Școala Gimnazială ,,Garabet Ibrăileanu", Tg. Frumos, jud. Iași
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759 Pandelica Iuliana (RO)
Liceul Voltaire Craiova
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758 Jumna Ruci (AL)
New York High School Albania (Tiranë)
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757 Slavica Kovačević Kalaba (BA)
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756 Anastasia Kichaki (GR)
17.Grundschule Thessaloniki 6.Klasse (Deutschunterricht)
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755 Nathalia Anahí Argüello Cobeña (ES)
IES Blas Infante clase 3ºA ESO
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754 Mary Galway (GB)
Reception/ The study Wimbledon
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753 Mary Galway (SJ)
Reception/The study Wimbledon
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752 Mary Galway (GB)
Reception / The Study Wimbledon
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751 Arya Thaker (GB)
Godolphin and Latymer school
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750 Evangelia Triantafyllou (GR)
2nd Kindergarten of Peania
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749 Mîrza Alina-Bianca (RO)
a-V-a A Școala Gimnazială ,,Ioan Bob” Cluj-Napoca
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748 Tissia Bouakkaz (BG)
5è5 André derain chamboury
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747 Barbi Kodra (AL)

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746 Lilya Kanashkina (RU)
School 42 , Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russia
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745 Maria-Paula Pah (RO)
"Petre Hossu" Secondary School, Cheud, Romania.
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744 Binta Samura (GM)
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743 Janna Latva-Kiskola (FI)
Hankoniemen lukio
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741 Carmen María De la Rosa Marin (ES)
IES Blas Infante 3A
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740 Lucía Gutiérrez Calderón (ES)
I.E.S. Blas Infante
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739 Jorge Borbor Rodríguez (ES)
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738 Lucinda Leonard (IE)
Newtown school
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737 Lucia Haycha Haouari Ortiz (ES)
Blas Infante
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735 Paula Carbajo Arroyo (ES)
IES Blas Infante 3A
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734 Natalia Naval (ES)
4º ESO A IES Blas Infante
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733 Alvaro Romero Paez (ES)
IES Blas Infante
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732 Paula Garrido Moya (ES)
4º A IES Blas Infante
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731 alejandro raya (ES)
4 A ies blas infante cordoba
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730 Eva Maria Garcia Romero (ES)
IES Blas Infante 4 A
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729 Natalia Herrera Bermejo (ES)
IES Blas Infante 4 ESO A
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728 Hugo Rivera Alcolea (ES)
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727 Silvia Mialdea (ES)
Blas Infante 4A
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726 Helga Kraljik (HR)
Srednja škola Ban Josip Jelačić, Zaprešić
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725 Silva Diogo (PT)
9ºB/ escola Básica quinta da lomba
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724 Mahir Smajlović (BA)
Primary school "Sjenjak" Tuzla, class 7c
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723 Alen Baćić (BA)
Primary school "Sjenjak" Tuzla, class 7c
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722 Andreo Đedović (BA)
Primary school "Sjenjak" Tuzla, class 7c
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721 Gulie Antonia Gabriela (RO)
Clasa XI-a Colegiul Național Tudor Vladimirescu
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720 Isobella Wesson (AT)
9H Spanish Archbishop Temple School, St Vincent's Road, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR9 8PR, United Kingdom
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719 Orla Reid (GB)
7T Archbishop Temple School, St Vincent's Road, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR9 8PR, United Kingdom
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718 Ilya Hussaini (GB)
9S, Spanish Archbishop Temple School, St Vincent's Road, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR9 8PR, United Kingdom
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717 Holly Adamson (GB)
Archbishop Temple School, St Vincent's Road, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR9 8PR, United Kingdom
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716 Jewel Jacob (AT)
8T Spanish Archbishop Temple School, St Vincent Road, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 8RA
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715 Danikah Bukhari (GB)
Danikah' Year 9, Class S Archbishop Temple Church of England High School, St Vincent's Road, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire PR2 8RA
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714 Afreen Mahmood (GB)
Hodge Hill Girls school 7C
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713 Thekla Kafkia (GR)
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712 Aaliah Rafiq (AT)
hodge hill girls school
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711 Adilson Ferreira (PT)
Escola básica, 2+3 Quinta da Lomba 9ºE
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710 www wwwq (AO)
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709 Afonso ferrão (PT)
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708 (AT)

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707 (AT)

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706 Pătrașcu Andreea-Cecilia (RO)
Colegiul Național "Tudor Vladimirescu "
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705 Pătrașcu Andreea-Cecilia (RO)
Colegiul Național "Tudor Vladimirescu"
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704 Nikoleta Chronopoulou (GR)
E' Class 5th Primary School of Vyronas
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703 Alessandra Costanzo (IT)
Scuola secondari di 1°Dante Alighieri- Catania
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702 Lucas Schmidt (AT)
HAK Judenburg 4AK
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701 Popescu Stefania (RO)
12 G, Colegiul Național ,,Tudor Vladimirescu"
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700 Johanna Leitner (AT)
HAK/HAS Judenburg 2ak
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699 Lara Reitbauer (AT)
Hak/Has Judenburg 2ak
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698 Aida Paratusic (AT)
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697 Juliet Corcoran (IE)
TY French, St. Mary's High School, MIdleton, Co. Cork.
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696 cecilia Valiño (ES)
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695 Roșu Andrei Ioan (RO)
Colegiul Național "Tudor Vladimirescu", clasa a XI-a G
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694 Mirea Maria Bianca (RO)
Colegiul Național Tudor Vladimirescu
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693 Bosoancă Patricia-Elena (RO)
Colegiul Național Tudor Vladimirescu, clasa a XI-a G
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692 Gulie Antonia Gabriela (RO)
Clasa XI-a Colegiul Național Tudor Vladimirescu
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691 (DZ)

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690 Emine Begaj (AT)
4.AK / HAK Judenburg
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689 (AT)

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688 Sophia Neurad (AT)
HAK Judenburg
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687 Fiona Karner (AT)
4AK/ HAK/HAS Judenburg
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686 Takayo Sprenger (DE)
International School of Stuttgart
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685 (AT)

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684 mouhamed diop (IT)
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683 Melani Gavric (AT)
1AK, HAK/HAS Judenburg
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682 Andi Kapidzic (BA)
JUOŠ “Sjenjak” Tuzla 7c
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681 (AT)

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680 Nicolò Campobasso (IT)
Classe 2E I.C. "Devitofrancesco,Giovanni XXIII-Binetto"- plesso Santi Medici Grumo A.(BA)
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679 Lisa-Marie Hausmann (AT)
HAK Judenburg, 4AK
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678 Kai Forde (GB)
University School of Birmingham
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677 Natalie Überer (AT)
HAK Judenburg 2.AK
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676 Zoi Molochidou (GR)
1st Junior High School of Neapolis Thessaloniki
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675 Murishe Pafunge (GB)
Farnborough Hill School Year 7
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674 Zuzanna Buczyńska (IT)
Klasa 2 LO Zespół Szkół w Biskupcu ul. Chrobrego 13 11-300 Biskupiec
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673 Izabel Ilić Pozojević (HR)
Oš Ljudevita Gaja,8.c
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672 Lourdes Jiménez (ES)
Salesians Badalona
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671 Olga Mosca (IT)
IV A "Alberto Manzi" Primary School- III Circolo Didattico Scafati
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670 Tamara Komar (MONT)
OŠ ,,Ilija Kišić'' Zelenika Herceg Novi
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669 Nadine Skriner (AT)
4ak BHAK Judenburg
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668 Michelle Pinjo (AT)
4 Ak Hak judenburg
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667 Andi Kapidžić (BA)
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666 Sarah Okanović (BA)
7c Ju Os Sjenjak
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665 Danyi Song (GB)
Godolphin and Latymer, 9GP
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664 Vincenzo Careccia (IT)
3ªF SS.Medici
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663 Nicolò Casiero (IT)
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662 Nicolò Casiero (IT)
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661 Mohamed Absml (DZ)
Middle school
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660 (AT)

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659 Cristian Porcaro (IT)
1° D
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658 (AT)

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657 Marija Carija Agoli (HR)
Osnovna škola Pujanki Split
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656 István Báthory (AT)
12.T Szegedi Radnóti Miklós Kísérleti Gimnázium
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655 Miroslava Dugovičová (SK)
Základná škola Tulipánová
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654 Samantha Samuels (GB)
Malmesbury School
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653 (AT)

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652 Antra Paegle (LV)
Lejasciems primary school
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651 (AT)

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650 asd asd (AT)
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649 Paulina (AT)

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648 Andreas Nowak (DE)
A from Comedy to the Supermarkt and the Shop Assistant asks : What can I help you with. The froh answers Quark.
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647 Vasiliki Thiakouli (GR)
- It ended! - What? Nutella? - No, our relationship! - Ok, then..! I was scared!!
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646 Athanasia Karantzia (GR)
Why did the sheep win the race, because it bee-gan first!
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645 Yvonne Gennimata (GR)
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644 Georgios Anastasopoulos (GR)
-How do you call somebody whose tooth is colored blue? -Bluetooth!
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643 Nicolas Andritsos (GR)
- Shall I share a joke about constructions? - No, I' m still working on it..!
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642 Maria - Evaggelia Dimitrakopoulou (GR)
A man arrived late at his work. His boss yelled at him and said: You should have came at 8.30. And the man answered: Why? What happened at 8.30?
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641 Eleftheria Belia (GR)
- Ηοw do you call a car that is automatic? - Car - aut (o)!
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640 Rose Cerclé (FR)
The lemon family is walking, at the crosswalk the lemon dad sees his son dragging his foot and says "hey, hurry up!"
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639 lorène ombredane (FR)
Comment appelle tu le toit de la niche d'un chien ? A wooftop
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638 Dieynaba Sarr (FR)
Dos cazadores caminan por el bosque, pero uno de ellos se derrumba de repente. No parece respirar, tiene los ojos vidriosos. El otro cazador saca su teléfono y llama a los servicios de emergencia. “¡Mi amigo está muerto! ¿Qué puedo hacer?" él dijo. "Cálmate, te ayudaré. Primero debemos estar seguros de que está muerto”, respondió el operador. Después de un breve silencio, se escucha un disparo. El cazador coge el teléfono. “Está bien, ¿ahora qué?
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637 Dieynaba Sarr (FR)
Two hunters are walking through the forest, but one of them suddenly collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are glassy. The other hunter takes out his phone and calls the emergency services. “My friend is dead! What can I do?" he said. "Calm down, I'll help you. We must first be sure that he is dead, ”replies the operator. After a short silence, a gunshot is heard. The hunter picks up the phone. “Okay, now what?
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636 (AT)

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635 (AT)

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634 nikola krizovenska (SK)
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633 don (AT)

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632 Gayane Petrosyan (CA)
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631 Natália Straňáková (SK)
Chuck Noris can suck a black hole
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630 (AT)

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629 (GR)

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628 (AT)

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627 riso riso (NE)

cucamber concombre Gurke
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What's the favourite car for a penguins? The POLO
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625 Alessandro Oberto (IT)
Qu'est-ce que c'est petit, vert, et qui fait très très peur ? Un petit pois avec un bazooka.
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624 (IT)

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623 Yosra Zidi (TN)
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622 Mirtel Ani (EE)
You are ready. You grab your friend's hips and step onto the tile, behind him. You slide your hands over his waist and grab him tightly. You press your worldly possessions and your chest against his back. You are intoxicated with joy and a little excited because the ride is about to start. You enjoy meandering through the streets of Tallinn. You smile at the world and at your friend. You gently squeese him because you know that only with him, only very sensually with him. You can save two euros on the electric scooter ride.
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621 Hareem Suhaib (PK)
H.suhaib 1 @Yahoo.fr
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620 Classe 3èmes germanistes collège Nicolas-Jacques-Conté (Sées) (FR)
Das ist die Geschichte eines Fisches : An einem schönem Tag begegneten sich zwei Fische. Sie rasen aufeinander zu. Dann sagt einer der Fische : « Entschuldigung – ich hatte Wasser in den Augen »
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Le professeur interroge Pierino : « Pierino a-t-il étudié la géographie ? » "Sûr madame enseignante" "Dis-moi où est la Sardaigne" "À la page 45, madame l'enseignante"
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618 Rhia-May Taylor (GB)

Pourquoi la banane est-elle allée chez le médecin? Parce qu’il ne écaillait pas bien
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617 (AT)

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616 Sara Begum (PK)

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615 João S. (PT)
What does a math book say to a history book? - Don't give me stories that I'm already full of problems. Que dit un livre de mathématiques à un livre d'histoire ? - Ne me dérange pas avec tes histoires, j'ai déjà assez de problèmes.
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614 Elena K. (PT)
- Docteur, j'ai l'impression que tout le monde parle dans mon dos. - Très bien, pour commencer, dites-moi quelle est votre professions ? - Je suis chauffeur de bus. - Doctor, I feel like everyone is talking behind my back. - Very well, tell me, what do you work for ? - I'm a bus driver.
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613 Sofia B. (PT)
Who is older: the sun or the moon? The moon because it can go out at night. Qui est le plus âgé : le soleil ou la lune ? La lune car elle peut sortir le soir.
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612 Iasmin F. (PT)
La professeure de maths se tourne vers Arthur : - Arthur, mon garçon, dis-moi comment puis-je diviser huit pommes de terre pour sept enfants? -C'est facile, professeur, faites de la purée. The math teacher turns to Arthur: - Arthur boy, tell me how can I divide eight potatoes for seven children? -It's easy, teacher, make puree.
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611 Gabriel S. (PT)
A woman enters a store and asks: - Do you sell nightgowns? - No, at night we are closed. Une femme entre dans un magasin et demande : - Vendez-vous des chemises de nuit? - Non, la nuit nous sommes fermés.
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610 Lara S. (PT)
Que dit un poussin à un autre poussin ? Piou ! What does one chick say to another chick? Tweet!
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609 Micaela S. (PT)
Two friends ride the same bike. -Hey there! slower in the corners - says one - I get scared! - Do as I do - says the other - close your eyes! Deux amis circulent sur le même vélo. - Hé! Moins vite dans les virages - dit l'un - j'ai peur ! - Faits comme moi - dit l'autre - ferme les yeux !
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608 Mariana M. (PT)
Pourquoi les fantômes ne peuvent-ils pas mentir ? Parce qu'ils sont transparents. Why can't ghosts lie? Because they are transparent.
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607 Diana Z. (PT)
- Miss Joaninha, what do you want to be when you grow up? - I want to be a mommy! - Very good! Little Johnny, what do you want to be when you grow up? - I want to help Joaninha make her dream come true. - Mademoiselle Joaninha, que voulez-vous être quand vous serez grande ? - Je veux être maman ! - Très bien! Petit Johnny, que veux-tu être quand tu seras grand ? - Je veux aider Joaninha à réaliser son rêve.
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606 Hugo P. (PT)
- Docteur, comment perdre du poids ? - Il suffit de bouger la tête de gauche à droite. - Combien de fois docteur ? - Chaque fois qu'on vous propose de la nourriture. - Doctor, how do I lose weight? - Just move your head left and right. - How many times Doctor? - Every time you are offered food.
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605 Marwa Hamassi (ES)
Two blind men go and one says to the other: -I wish it would rain -hopefully me too
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604 Rania Maaza el khalloufi (ES)
There was a dog called my tits. One day she got lost and her owner went out looking for her. She found a policeman and said: "Mr. police, Mr. police! Have you seen my tits?" And the policeman replied: "No, but I would like to see them..."
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603 Lucía Hidalgo Zafra (ES)
A girl picks up a lollipop from the floor and a man with a cane passes by and tells her not to pick things up from the floor and suddenly the man falls to the floor and tells the girl to help her up: -Didn't you tell me not to pick up things from the floor?-
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602 Diego Alexander Iza (ES)
Patient: Doctor, it hurts here. Doctor: Well, get over there. Patient: Doctor, it still hurts. Doctor: In pain, stop following the patient.
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601 Hector Garcia (ES)
Teacher: Did your father help your with your homework? Student: No, he did it all by himself.
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600 Marcos (ES)
He goes to the supermarket to buy a chicken, and he has no idea of ​​English, and he asks a person: where is his mother?
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599 Iker (ES)

How do you say "perro" ​​in English? very easy, dog. And "veterinario"? very easy too, dog-tor
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598 (AT)

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597 (AT)

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593 Imanol Cerdera (ES)
Daughter, I look fat, ugly and old, what do I have? Mom, you are absolutely right
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591 xinzhen he (CN)
-A mouse tells a rat: What are you doing there? -I'm waiting for a little while.
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590 Alejandro Sanchez (ES)
-What do you do? -Killing flies. -Have you killed any. -4 males and 2 females. How do you know if they are male or female? -4 were in the glass of beer and 2 in the mirror.
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589 Dylan Amaguaña (ES)
What is the name of the fastest Chinese in the world is called... cachou
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588 (ES)

-Love, give me the baby, -wait for me to cry -What did I cry for? Why? -Because I don't know where I left it
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587 (ES)

If car is a car and men is a man, my aunt Carmen is a transformer
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586 (ES)

If car is a car and men is a man, my aunt Carmen is a transformer
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585 Lucia Gomez (ES)

Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu: You get what you deserve.
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584 Iker Busto MOlina (ES)
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583 Luz Sedgwick (ES)

why don't elephants use a computer? beacuse they are scared of the mouse!!
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582 Aronson Amadin (CR)
passe derrière le mur et fais lui peur
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581 Hèctor Gallego Garcia (AT)
Mom, mom, at school they call me interested, why son? 5 euros and I'll tell you.
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580 Marcos Hipple Perez (ES)
There are 2 and the middle one falls
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579 Marcos Hipple Perez (ES)
There are 2 and the middle one falls
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578 (ES)

What does a pear say to another pear? "just wait"
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577 Luna Olympi (CH)
quel est le sujet préféré d'un serpent? son hiss-toire
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576 Walid Azahouani (US)
Son, I look fat, ugly and old. What do I have son, what do I have? Mom, you're absolutely right.
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575 Nelson Mota (AT)

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574 Nelson Mote (PT)

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573 Jacob Middleton (GB)
Pourquoi le cou des girafes est-il si long ? Soutien-gorge parce que leurs pieds sentent !!!
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572 Rodrigo Teixeira (PT)

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571 Never gonna run around and Desert you (AT)
Never gonna say good bye
Never gonna let you down
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What was doing a spit on the ladder? It was going up.
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569 Raquel Moreno Ibáñez (ES)
- Mama, mama, gehen wir nach Aldi? - Es ist nicht "nach", es ist "zu". - Waaas? Ist Aldi zu??
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568 Dunja Tošić (RS)
why doesn't an elephant use a computer? because he is afraid of the mouse
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567 (AT)

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566 (AT)

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565 Ceris Morgan (GB)
Why did the frog take the bus to work? it was toad away!
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564 carrie forkin (GB)
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563 Mia Lewis (GB)
pourquoi le poulet at-il traversé la route Pour aller de l'autre côté!
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562 Hello Kitty (DE)
Hab ich keine
Treffen sich zwei Jäger beide tot
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561 Dávid Bartoš (SK)
The king of animals - a lion - summoned all the animals to the clearing and tells them: "Divide into two groups. Clever on the right and beautiful on the left." They all stood on one side or the other. In the center remained only a frog. Lion asks her, "And you, the frog? why are you standing in the middle?" the frog says to him, "And what am I supposed to tear?"
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560 parlantri scroto (ML)

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559 Aleisha Mccourt (AT)
Pourquoi la banane a traverse la route Parce qu'ill ne criait pa's bien
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558 Katia Cabrera garcia (ES)
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557 logan barritt-burnett (GB)
Comment appelle-t-on un fromage qui n’est pas le vôtre ? Réponse : Nacho-fromage
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556 (AT)

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555 (EG)

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554 (AT)

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553 Rhys Clark (VI)
Comment appelle-t-on une fausse nouille ? Un empâtement !
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552 max tihava (AT)
mujo a perdu son portsmonnaie, haso l’a trouve. Il lui demande si c’est le cien. Mujo dit non, j’ai perdu le mien
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551 Teodora Marcu (RO)

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550 Ștefan Copaceanu (RO)
It's Christmas Eve. A little boy wants a brother, so he writes a letter to Santa and mails it to him. At Christmas the boy finds a red envelope under the tree from Santa in which he wrote : Bring my on the aunt
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549 mariana lopes (AT)
At the bakery how much is the coffee - 2 reais and the sugar we don't charge for sugar so tell me to turn 2 kilos please
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548 Ștefan Copaceanu (RO)
It's Christmas Eve. A little boy wants a brother, so he writes a letter to Santa and mails it to him. At Christmas the boy finds a red envelope under the tree from Santa in which he wrote : Bring my on the aunt
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547 Adina Iacob (RO)
What is small black and has a yellow dot in the middle in front? A flea with a gold tooth in its face.
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546 Livia Creanga (RO)
Do you know why my imaginary friend didn't continue his education? Because he wanted a real profile.
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545 Alexandra Ariton (RO)
How lucky am I if I was born in Dubai I was a camel.
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544 Mihai Cornel (AT)

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543 Patryk Osochocki (AT)
Two friends are resting in a clearing. At one point, one was bitten by a viper - the very nature of the viper. - Oh, save me - he calls - call an ambulance. A colleague calls and says what has happened, then asks what needs to be done? - please suck the venom quickly or it will die - the doctor calls. - and what did he tell you - asks the victim? - that you will die.
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542 Anabelli Dornelas amaro (BR)

Why are ghost bad at telling lies?because they are transparent
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541 Letícia Fernandes (PT)
- on dit que nous avons tous un beau côté - donc vous devez être un cercle - they say we all have a beautiful side - so you must be a circle - man sagt, wir haben alle eine schöne Seite - dann musst du ein Kreis sein
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540 (AT)

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539 Rebekah (GB)

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538 jncdso ncjdnj99n 8ue328ujjde (BH)
jijdsujvwdnqpojpwf jjjji90rvr09c29i
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537 Logan Ritchie (GB)
Une route et une voie à deux voies parlent, débattent pour savoir laquelle d'entre elles est la plus difficile. Soudain, un morceau de tarmac rouge passe devant. La voie à quatre voies dit "attention, les gars ont une piste cyclable".
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536 Abdul Hadi (GB)
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535 sanjana saketh (GB)
quel est le chanteur préféré d'une feuille ? persil elvis
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534 Matthew Cranna (GB)
L'autre jour, je marchais sur la route et un homme commencé à me jeter du last, du fromage et du beurre. Maintenant laitier!!
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533 molly matheson (GB)
a man walks into a store and says “can i have 12 bees” the man hands clerk hands him 13 bees the man says “there is one too many” the clerk says “it’s a freebie”
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532 Arran Hay (GB)
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531 ERIK Perez (CN)

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530 (AT)

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529 Dylan Mitchell (SA)

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528 Cristna Escudero (ES)
There was a man so small that he found a marble and exclaimed: The world is mine!
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527 (AR)

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A thief stole a calendar.For his deed he received 12 months.
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525 Albotica Cornelia Nicoleta (RO)
A thief stole a calendar.For his deed he received 12 months.
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524 Kira Aivino (AT)
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523 Ben Dover (TD)
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522 Dogariu Damian (RO)
Do you eat bread? Yes Then eat with bread
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521 Charlotte Fenton (GB)

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520 MehiKpreet Kaur (IT)
UN poisson dit à l'autre " Je te dis un secret: je t'en prie: EAU dans ta BOUCHE!!!! AHAHAHAHA
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519 Edelson L. (PT)
Comment rendre quelqu'un curieux ? Je te dis ça demain. How to make someone curious? I'll tell you tomorrow.
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518 Istrate Alexandru (RO)
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517 Knossi Obama (AF)
Foto in bild
Ja moin
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516 Țurcanu Catalin (RO)
Why don't diabetics take revenge? Because revenge is sweet...
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515 Matteo Zilio (IT)
Two cats meet in the country. One of them is sitting in front of a mouse's den, while the other is watching him, rather bored. After half an hour, the one watching the other says: "You're never going to catch him: he's clever and he's not coming out!" So the other cat starts barking. His friend looks at him rather puzzled and goes away, thinking his friend is going nuts. He comes back later and he sees the other cat with the mouse in his mouth. So he asks: "How did you do that?" "My dear friend", says the other "nowadays, if you don't know at least two languages you are going to starve!"
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514 Joe Mams (MV)
Joe mama
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513 Andrea Gönczi (HU)
- I'll count to three and fall asleep! - Only until three?!? - Well, sometimes until half past three.
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512 Sara Japka (SI)
there was a girl whitout arms and she asked her father if she can have popcorn and he said no arms no popcorn
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511 Stanca Cristina (RO)
say barrle...'barrel'...you dad is a frog
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510 Stan Ionuț (RO)
You are so black, that at night you can't even see yourself with a flash😂
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509 Bogdan Banu (RO)
Do you know the difference between a Jew and a pizza? Like pizza, it doesn't scream if you put it in the oven
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508 Alexandru Tudor (RO)
Why didn't the watermelon cross the street? Because it was red :)))
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507 Popescu Razvan (RO)
Why doesn't the banana cross the street? Because it is yellow.
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506 Ana Maria Cristudor (RO)
Things won't work out perfectly. What matters is how you adapt to these things and what you learn from your mistakes!
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505 (AT)

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504 Adrian Grigore (RO)
Fuck your mother onions
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503 Isabel Lopez (GB)
What is something and at thd sane time nothing? A fish
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502 Oliver Machado Bedolla (ES)
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501 Adele Scott (GB)
Pourguoi les oeufs ne rient-ils pas???? Parce qu'ils se feraient craquer.
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500 (AT)

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499 Primrose Pioli (GB)
Quelle est la boisson préférée des crapauds ? Croak-a-cola
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498 (IT)

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497 Maria Isabel Sousa (PT)
Le mari demande à sa femme: - Pourquoi tu m'as épousé ? - Parce que tu es une personne très amusante. T'es super marrant !!!! - Oh! Je pensais que c'était parce j’étais un grand cuisinier. - Oh! Oh! Oh! Tu vois! Tu es tellement drôle !!!!!!
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496 Oistric Gabi (RO)
Comment appelle-t-on un homme intelligentdans Amerique. Tourist
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495 (AT)

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494 Hugo Barre Cuñarro (ES)
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493 (AT)

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492 Čak Noris (AL)

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491 Chuck Norris (AT)

Chuck Norris was once twice
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490 Sophie Le Callonnec (IE)
A bird is talking with a donkey. 'What's your name?' asks the bird. 'Bob' said the donkey.
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489 Barbara Vevar (SI)

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488 Nejc Vesek (SI)

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487 (AT)

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486 Susanna Vincre (IT)
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485 Juliette Yakubova (AE)
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484 (FI)

Did you hear about the Italian chef Who died? He pasta-way
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483 Calle Kavaleff (FI)

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482 Matti Nykänen (FI)

Did you hear about the claustrophobic austronaut? He just needed a littel bit of space.
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481 Calle Kavaleff (FI)

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480 el pepe el pepe (CC)
el pepe
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479 Anne Rienzi (ES)
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478 Anne Rienzi (ES)
What does penguin do when his house breaks? "Igloo"es it together.
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477 Štěpán Hrnčíř (AT)
My wife is mad at me becauseI bought her a watch from a Vietnamese. She hasn't spoken to me since 13:98
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476 Sînziana Apostol (RO)
stupid to be, lucky you are!others died and suffered nothing
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475 Kryštof Mikula (CZ)

Would you go to the cinema tonight ? No, find someone as ugly as you are. Thats why im asking you.
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474 Bogdan Savulescu (RO)
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473 Rebeca Ioneta (RO)
A man had a horse, and the horse didn't mind.
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472 Alexandru Ionut Nastase (RO)
At the train station, a Moldovan asks: -How much does a toilet ticket cost? – 20 lei - Rather than giving 20 lei, I'd rather do it myself
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471 Cristiana Roman (RO)
Others died and died without suffering anything
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470 (AT)

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469 João Barbosa (PT)
There were two suspects, the fat and the thin Which one is the criminal? Answer: the thin because what doesn't kill you makes you fat
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468 Ellamae Simpson (AT)

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467 Rozalie Kratochvilova (CZ)
"Hi, what are your hobbies?" "Spying on other people." "Um, I like to read and swim." "I know."
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466 Nikdo nic (BB)
Ondar, Matěj, Matyaš should share 10,000 CZK, how many benches disappeared from 8.B
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465 alžbeta bachiwky (HR)

dvo mans do and one fall down
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464 Begu Ruxandra-Ioana (RO)
Why does the firefly no longer light up? because he didn't pay the current bill!
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463 Zugravu Cristian Constantin (RO)
Ionel, how do you think we can keep the school clean. Staying at home, lady conductor!
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462 Brehuescu Nicoleta Paula (RO)
Why doesn't the orange go up the hill? Because he has no more juice.
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461 Amariuti Denisa Mihaela (RO)
I don't speak much, said the Romanian language teacher to the student Ionescu. When I wave my finger like that, it means you're coming to the board. - I don't talk much either, professor, when I nod it means I'm not coming.
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460 Bălțău Maria Alexandra (RO)
,, Teacher: - Pupil Popescu, when is the best time to pick cherries? The student: - When the dog is tied, professor
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459 Denisa Amariuti Mihaela (RO)
I don't speak much, said the Romanian language teacher to the student Ionescu. When I wave my finger like that, it means you're coming to the board. - I don't talk much either, professor, when I nod it means I'm not coming.
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458 Lupu Alexandru Marian (RO)
Teacher: "Popescu, your work was miserable. Your father could help you because he's a writer". The student: "I didn't want it anymore, teacher. On the last paper, which my father helped me with, you gave me a two".
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457 Patatu Diana (RO)
Why did a cucumber cross the street? Because it was green :)
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456 laura kavaldova (SK)
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455 Palade Marian Alexandru (RO)
I could lose weight, but I don't want the world think that I have nothing to eat.
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454 Alex Palade (RO)
I could lose weight, but I don't want to! the world will think that I have nothing to eat
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453 Dogaru Ionela (RO)
The heat has come. My body says Maldives. My mind says Tenerife, and my pocket says "Hose yourself a little".
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452 Carpen Ionela (RO)
"John, why are you squitning your nose at my sarmales? Aren't they good?" "Well, Mary, they are tasty. But all these people in the movie theater have popcorn!"
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451 Agachi Mario Filip (RO)
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450 Dediu Leonard (RO)
"My dear, tell me! Is there anything in this world more important than love??" "Hmm...and you didn't cook dinner"
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449 Antonín Mádr (CZ)
Did you know,what cow do,when is earthquake
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448 Mazere Denis Cristian (RO)
A goose in a restaurant: "Do you have mămăligă?" asks the goose. "No", replies the waiter. "Are you sure?" "No, we don't have it, don't you hear...?!?" "Sure sure?" "If you ask one more time, I'll take a nail and a hammer and pin your beak to the table!" "Do you have nails?" "No, I don't" "But mamaligă?"
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447 Tudor Bulgariu (RO)
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446 Tudor Bulgariu (RO)
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445 Micu Sebastian (RO)
Mother talks to Bula: -Son, I bought you textbooks for school, they were expensive, so please take care of them! -Okay mom, I don't even touch them!Mère parle à Bula : -Fils, je t'ai acheté des manuels pour l'école, ils étaient chers, alors prends-en soin s'il te plait ! -Ok maman, je ne les touche même pas!
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444 Maxim Pleský (CZ)
“Will students really do a surgery on me?” “Yes.” “But what if I die?” “They will get an F.” I will never forget the last words of my lovely grandfather. “Stop shaking with the ladder you geek!”
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443 Martim Pinheiro (PT)
Blague sur le frigo. Comment mettre un éléphant dans le frigo ? Une personne : vous mettez l’éléphant là-dedans. Auteur: Non, vous ouvrez la porte, vous mettez l’éléphant là-dedans, puis vous fermez la porte. Et comment mettre une vache au réfrigérateur ? Une personne : vous ouvrez la porte, vous y mettez la vache et vous fermez la porte. Auteur: Non, vous ouvrez la porte, vous sortez l’éléphant, vous mettez la vache à l’intérieur et vous fermez la porte.
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442 Fábio Silva (PT)

Le Maître demande : - Johnny, c'est du riz avec S ou Z ? Johnny répond : - Ici à l'école je ne sais pas mais à la maison c'est avec des haricots.
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441 Belen Jackson Santa Cruz (GB)
No quiero presumir, pero terminé el rompecabezas en menos de una semana y decía 2-4 años en la caja.
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440 Rodrigo Pereira (PT)

Savez-vous pourquoi le fantôme ne peut pas mentir ? Parce qu'il est transparent.
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439 Bohdan Svintsov (SK)
English class at school: -How will be parapet be in english -.....UnderWindows
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438 Marit Piirman (EE)
A doctor comes to work at the psychiatric hospital and sees a man crouching in the corner. The doctor asks: “Are you a puppy in the corner?” Man does not say a word but moves to another corner. The doctor asks again: “Are you a little kitten? What is there, in the corner?” No reply from the man. He just moves to the third corner. Doctor approaches once more: “What are you doing there? Are you a little bunny?” The man stands up and answers: “I am an electrician.”
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437 Mourtada 10/04/2012 (IT)
Zinab @mo9
Via spirano 152 comune di urgnano
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436 Ciobanu Teodora (RO)
Once during my trip to Europe, I was feeling so Hungary that I had to Russia to get some food
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435 Ciobanu Teodora (RO)
Don't eat the french fish...It's poisson!
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434 Ciobanu Teodora (RO)
What do you call an European City filled with rodents? Hamsterdam
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433 Lauren O beirne (IE)

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432 klemen planinc (SI)
a coach is a person who can tell on Saturday what will happen on Sunday... and on Monday explain why it didn't
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431 (FR)

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430 Nina Vraníková (SK)
Boris says to his mum: " I taught our grandma to stop biting her nails. - How did you do it? - I hid her dentures.
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429 Nina Vraníková (SK)
Blond girl orders a pizza. Waiter asks: "Would you like to cut it in 6 or 12 pieces? " She says: "6 please, I wouldn't be able to eat 12."
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428 Amber Josiah (GB)
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427 Butunoi Alexandru (RO)
– Daddy, why did you marry mom? - See, not even the child understands why.
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426 Lulu Bradica (HR)
Où se trouve la vache sans les jambes?
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425 Inês P (PT)
If nothing goes right, l'll sell peanuts at the church door. Then when the priest shouts "amen" I say "doim!"
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A woman confides in a friend. "I'm so happy not to be born in Germany!" "Why?" asks the friend. "Because I don't understand a word in German!"
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A foreign tourist asks two elderly gentlemen for information. "Parlate italiano?" The two men don't understand and look at him with a puzzled expression. "Sprechen sie Deutsch?" No answer. "Parlez-vous Français?" Not a word. The tourist goes away. "John, perhaps we should learn a foreign language" one of the two men says. "Are yoy silly?Did you see that guy? He spoke three languages, what good did it do him?"
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422 Maria T (PT)
From Spain neither good wind nor good marriage
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421 Antonio Casao (PT)
What does one sardine say to another when it sees a submarine LOOK, canned humans!!!
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420 Rodrigo M (AT)
What did the zebra sou to the fly? You are on my blacklist
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419 Adriana Hurtado (ES)
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418 Filippo De Grandi (IT)
a rice laughed
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417 pepe juanma (AT)
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416 Francisca Ferreira (PT)
Why can't the US and England play chess? Because US don't have their towers and England doesn't have their queen.
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415 (AT)

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414 Colas Scottu (FR)
Qu’est ce qui commence par un e, qui finit par un e et qui ne contient qu’une seule lettre ? Une enveloppe.
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413 Maxence Richard (FR)
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412 Tina Jamnikar (AT)
The teacher asks the students why they put the rooster on the grill and they answer that it doesn't fight.
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411 (AT)

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410 Una, Lulu, Dea, Benjamin Zrinjan, Bradica, Milanović, Benčić (HR)
Où se trouve la vache sans les jambes? Où tu l'as laissée.
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409 Una Zrinjan (HR)
Pourquoi les plongeurs sautent-ils en arrière ? S'ils sautaient à l'avance, ils tomberaient dans le navire
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408 (CZ)

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407 Danca Octavian (RO)
Not to brag or anything, but i'm pretty sure that if someone were to offer me even the smallest sum of money as a gift it would be less wasteful if they just took that money and used it to light a fire.
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406 Apene A (RO)
I invented a new word!
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405 Leonard Marian (RO)
-Daddy, why don't I have a brother? -Because you don't sleep at night and scare the storks.
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404 mariano del la luna (MX)
Има двама войници на мотоциклет, кой пада? Никой, защото са войници. майка ти е мъж
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403 Mereuta Robert (RO)
Do you know what’s worse than killing Keanu Reeve’s dog? Killing John Wick’s dog.
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402 juan del monte (EC)
hola ¿como se dice pedo en ingles? jeloü, you are angry la kaka
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401 Juncu Alicia (RO)
-Mihai ,did you put water in the fish bowl? - Yes,mother ,but they didn’t drink anything…
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400 Brateș Mihai (RO)

Yesterday the doctor amputated my leg. Today I went to see him and told him: - Doctor, I want my leg back. It's my right
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399 Laila Balada Fernández (ES)
- Que dit un feu à un autre? - Ne me regarde pas, je me change ! - What does one traffic light say to another? - Don't look at me, I'm changing!
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398 Ona Merino (ES)
· What does Darth Vader keep in his fridge? Dark ice cream · Que garde Darth Vader dans son frigo ? De la glace noire
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397 Rania Boukzini (ES)
-Que faites-vous dans la vie ? -Je suis un rockeur -Wow, chantes-tu ou joues-tu de la guitare dans un groupe ? - Non, je collectionne des pierres et je les vends - What is your job ? - I'm a rocker. - Wow, do you sing or play guitar in a band ? - No, I collect stones and I sell them.
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396 Raluca Vasile (RO)
Două fete erau într-un lift, la al treilea etaj, liftul se opreşte și una din fete striga:Ajutor! ajutor! apoi i-a spus celeilalte sa încerce împreună. Cealalta fată a început sa ţipe:împreună! împreună!
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395 Davidoiu Sonia (RO)
What is the difference between the police and wind? Police beating faster!
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394 Krzysztof Blazejczyk (SE)
And without a balcony, I did not open it to the Germans, I did not open it and I will not return it to the Smurfs.
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393 William Grahm (SE)
why are the children falling all the time? they are twins
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392 Mazâlu Denisa (RO)
Bulă riding his horse. At one point he fell. Why? His horse finished!
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391 (CY)

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390 Rg Thh (AO)

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388 Acomanoai Teona (RO)
Ai auzit de tipul care a inventat gluma cnoc cnoc? A castigat premiul "no-bell".
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387 Nuno Machado (PT)
What did the farmer said when he lost his tractor? Where's my tractor.
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386 Loke Mustaniemi (SE)
Wanna know why chinese kids dont believe in Santa? Because they make the toys
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385 Richard Hevera (CZ)
EN - I was digging in our garden when I found a chest full of gold coins. I was about to run straight home to tell my wife about it, but then I remembered why I was digging in our garden. GER - Ich habe in unserem Garten umgegraben, als ich eine Truhe voller Goldmünzen gefunden habe. Ich wollte gerade nach Hause laufen, um meiner Frau davon zu erzählen, aber dann erinnerte ich mich, warum ich in unserem Garten umgrub. FR - Je fouillais dans notre jardin quand j'ai trouvé un coffre plein de pièces d'or. J'étais sur le point de rentrer directement à la maison pour en parler à ma femme, mais je me suis alors rappelé pourquoi je bêchais dans notre jardin. PL - Kopałem w naszym ogrodzie, kiedy znalazłem skrzynię pełną złotych monet. Już miałem pobiec prosto do domu, żeby powiedzieć o tym mojej żonie, ale wtedy przypomniałem sobie, dlaczego kopałem w naszym ogrodzie. RUS - Я копался в нашем саду, когда нашел сундук, полный золотых монет. Я уже собирался бежать домой, чтобы рассказать об этом жене, но тут вспомнил, зачем копался в нашем огороде.
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384 (AT)

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383 (AT)

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382 Michaela Urbanová (CZ)
The children walked along the minefield and threw their hands around... some even 30 meters. Die Kinder gingen am Minenfeld entlang und warfen ihre Hände herum... einige sogar 30 Meter I bambini camminarono lungo il campo minato e gettarono le mani in giro... alcuni anche 30 metri Les enfants marchaient le long du champ de mines et jetaient leurs mains autour... certains même 30 mètres Los niños caminaron por el campo minado y arrojaron sus manos alrededor ... algunos incluso 30 metros Do you know why water is dead? Because she was dripping. Wissen Sie, warum Wasser tot ist? Weil sie tropfte.
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381 Gustav Mattsson (SE)
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380 Ivoš Cimmer (CZ)
Quand ma copine m'a annoncé qu'elle était enceinte, tout a changé. Mon adresse, numéro de téléphone, carte de crédit…
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379 Dominik Cesnak (CZ)
Fidel Castro gives a speech in the square in Havana: "And I also pay homage to the hundred million Czech Republic." The counselor leans over and says, "But sir, there are only 10 million of them." And Fidel: "Don't screw me, I know how much rum I export to them there!"
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378 Apolena Bednářová (CZ)
Honza was going to donate blood, but had to run away. They had a lot of questions, for example: Whose blood is this? Why is there So much blood? Why is it in the bucket?
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377 Eliška Čviriková (AT)
Taf x’jiġri meta żewġ blondes identiċi jiġru lejn xulxin?….. Il-mera tinkiser.
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376 Ivoš Cimmer (CZ)
Was braucht eine Blondine, um 100 Meter zu laufen? Turnschuhe, Kleid, Karte und
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375 Adéla Smetanová (CZ)
Sie gingen zwei und den mittleren Herbst
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374 Mikael Than (YE)
Why did jonathan cross the road? Because he wanted to go to his grandmas dance party
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373 Suzanne Vincre (IT)
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372 Daniel Burčík (CZ)
Mary: John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly. What do you think, Peter? Peter: I think you're pretty ugly.
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371 AdamLukas JuranekHurta (CZ)
What do you call an African igloo? Nigloo.
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370 Johanka Šumná (CZ)
"Pepíček, use the word bread." "Who, what? – Bread." "With whom, with what? – With salami." "Pepíček, benutze das Wort Brot." "Wer, was? – Brot." "Mit wem, mit was? – Mit Salami." « Pepíček, utilise le mot pain. » « Qui, quoi? – Du pain. « Avec qui, avec quoi? – Avec du salami. »
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369 Eliška Čviriková (AT)
Ein Polizist hält einen betrunkenen Autofahrer an: "Sind Sie bereit, einen Alkoholtest zu machen?" "Sicher und in welcher Kneipe?"
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368 Totta Ehrenpohl (SE)
If you have eaten Karins lasagna for lunch at work, what have you eaten then? Answer: Somebody else's lunch
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367 Gustav Mattsson (SE)
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366 Wiggo Vigren (SE)
Deux tomates ont traversé la route, l'une s'est fait écraser et l'autre a dit : viens ketchup et on y va !
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365 Javier García Lorca (ES)
There were an English man and a Spanish one in a ship. The English man fell into the water and asked for HELP. And the Spanish man said: I haven't got gel, just shampoo.
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364 olle evald (SE)
ich werde kämpfen
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363 Clara Ransheim (SE)
The anxiety when your name is Uno Persson and you want to book a double room in Spain.
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362 (AT)

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361 (BE)

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360 (AT)

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359 Albin Flodfält (SE)
All the children look into the oven except Rut, she looks out
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358 (NO)

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357 Michael Maritato (US)
German sausage puns are the Wurst!
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356 Michael Maritato (US)
No matter how kind students are in your country, German kids will always be "kinder"
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355 Michael Maritato (US)
Q: Do you know the best part about being Swiss? A: I don't really know, but the flag is a big plus!
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354 Michael Mariato (US)
Q: Did you hear about the two Spanish boys play basketball? A: It was Juan on Juan (one-on-one)
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353 Michael Maritato (US)
Q: Why are there no floods in France? A: Because "the water" is "l'eau" (low)
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352 costel sargardy (AT)

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351 Michael Maritato (US)
Q: Why did the Frenchman only eat one egg for breakfast? A: Because "one egg" is "un oeuf" (enough)
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350 Dumitrache Adelin (RO)
Pendant le communisme, Bula est attrapé par les gendarmes et envoyé à Ceaușescu. Ceaușescu lui dit : - Bon, si tu racontes une bonne blague, sans moi, je te laisse partir. À quoi Bula fait : - M. Ceaușescu, votre femme, Elena Ceaușescu, est enceinte. - Oui, sans moi, fille Ceasca ;))). - Eh bien, pas avec toi.
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349 (AT)

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348 my dad (AT)
my dad @gmail.com
my dad is home
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347 cai head (GB)
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346 Lorena Nikolaj (CZ)
Why have you never seen an elephant hiding in a tree? Because they're good at. Why do elephants paint their testicles red? So they can hide in the cherries. What is the loudest sound in the savannah? When a giraffe eats cherries.
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345 daniel garrod (GB)
Quel est l'endroit préféré d'une vache ? les MOOvies
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344 Barbora Říhová (CZ)
there was a fish oa tree and it fell.
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343 Jamie Hall (AT)
hipy kid
Pourquoi dit-on aux acteurs de se casser une jambe ? Parce que chaque pièce a un cast
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342 Miguel Assunção (PT)
What the frog say on the espacial station? He says "Orbit, orbit".
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341 Sara Silva (PT)
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340 Lucie Zahrajová (CZ)
"Do you know what really amazes me about you?" "No.What?" "Oops.Sorry. I was thinking about someone else!"
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339 Vojtěch Kopaˇ (CZ)
What does a dad and the Twin Towers have in common? Once they're gone they never come back.
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338 Ірина Локаєнко (CZ)
hunting is a sport. especially when the cartridges ran out and the wolf is still alive.
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337 David Botoš (CZ)
Name me four seasons: lockdown lockdown,summer, lockdawn Nenn mir vier Jahreszeiten:lockdown, lockdown,sommer,lockdown
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336 my dad (GB)
my dad @gmail.com
my dad
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335 Karolina Dubjelova (CZ)
do you know what it means when 4 carry a coffin? there was five of us
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334 Wear Wolf (HR)
Patitent goes to the doctor. He sais my eye is crying. And the doctor shrinks his eye.
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333 (AT)

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332 Emil Perälä (FI)
The little one was crying by the side of the road. His friend came to it and asked why are you crying. Little Kalle answered. Yes, you know when they said in school to let the cars go first before you cross the road. So. The guy answered. Those cars haven't come like that. He said to the little one. Le petit pleurait au bord de la route. Son ami est venu et a demandé pourquoi tu pleures. Le petit Kalle a répondu. Oui, tu sais quand ils disaient à l'école de laisser passer les voitures avant de traverser la route. Alors. Le gars a répondu. Ces voitures ne sont pas venues comme ça. dit-il au petit. Den lille græd ved siden af ​​vejen. Hans ven kom til det og spurgte, hvorfor græder du. Lille Kalle svarede. Ja, du ved, da de sagde i skolen, at man skulle lade bilerne gå først, før man krydser vejen. Så. Fyren svarede. Sådan er de biler ikke kommet. sagde han til den lille.
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331 Heba Abdalla (EG)
quell type de the est difficile à avaler Immobilier
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330 Marek Rubáš (NE)

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329 Amir Muqbel (SE)
Pourquoi la saucisse caca est-elle allée à la police ? Il s'est senti victime de chantage
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328 Roua Alsheikh-ali (SE)
Hur ser man att en bil kommer från Tyskland? Det germanyinte.
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327 Jake Lobo (AE)
qu'obtenez-vous lorsque vous ajoutez des horloges à une ceinture ? Une perte de temps !
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326 henrik jansson (GB)
je ne peux pas raconter une blague mais ça va. Je demanderai juste à tes parents.
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325 David Štebel (CZ)
Dy shko dhe mesi prngohet
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324 Nikola Milojkovic (SE)
Warum essen Kannibalen keine Clowns? Weil sie komisch schmecken?
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323 Noah wikstrom / abensour (SE)
Moi : Où est mon chat ? Mon ami chinois : hehehe *ouvre la boîte à lunch*
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322 Isabella Nwaijah (SE)
What is the difference between God and Bill Gates? Well God knows he's not Bill Gates!
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321 Eliška Kováčová (AT)
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320 Jakub Strzeleckj (PL)
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319 (AT)

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318 Veronika Rozkopalová (AT)
Aber Herr Ober, der Kaffee ist ja kalt!" "Gut, dass Sie mir das sagen, mein Herr! Eiskaffee kostet nämlich einen Euro mehr ..."
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317 jakob efiuwgefigafy (SE)
what happens to the disaled kid when you set him on fire, Hotwheels
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316 Cristian Stefan Alexandru (RO)
How does an American cross the street? He looks left, right… up and then across.
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315 (AT)

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314 Laouane chouayb (ES)
Pourquoi le balai est-il heureux ? -Parce qu’elle balaye. Why is the broom happy? -Because it is sweeping.
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313 (AT)

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312 Kélyne Lamarre (FR)
Quelle partie de la maison les zombies préfèrent ils ? la pièce de vie
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311 Dani Iosif (RO)
What job do your parents have? asks the teacher -Dad is an engineer, says Gheorghe -Dad is a mechanic, says Ionel - Dad is the boss, says Bula - How so Bula? – asks the professor in surprise -He has 500 people under him - So what does he do? -Cut grass in the cemetery
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310 Vasile Claudiu (RO)
what is small green and runs through the forest, a fog of cucumbers
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309 Negoita Gabriel sebastian (RO)
What job do your parents have? asks the teacher -Dad is an engineer, says Gheorghe -Dad is a mechanic, says Ionel - Dad is the boss, says Bula - How so Bula? – asks the professor in surprise -He has 500 people under him - So what does he do? -Cut grass in the cemetery
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308 Marius Gheorghe (RO)
How does a child go to sleep? 2020 Once upon a time....2022 I cut your net
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307 Tomé Almeida (PT)
What makes sad people jump? A bridge.
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306 Stefania Panoiu (RO)
Knock and you will be opened... a criminal case.
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305 Anna García Calvo (ES)
-Amour? -Dites, amour. -Tu as été à mes côtés dans les pires moments. - Je sais, amour. - Je pense que tu me portes malheur… -Love? -Say, love. -You have been by my side in the worst moments. -I know, love. -I think you give me bad luck...
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304 Martim Alves (PT)
Why can’t Americans play chess? Because they already lost 2 towers.
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303 Cazan Daniela (RO)
- Hello, is this the nostalgic's club? - Yes... but it's not what it used to be anymore.
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302 Pol Alaixendri Mayor (ES)
I tried making a hide-and-seek contest, it was a failure, good players are hard to find. J'ai essayé d'organiser un tournoi professionnel de cache-cache, mais ce fut un échec complet. Les bons joueurs sont difficiles à trouver.
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301 Polina Mihhina (EE)
russkij poehal v polshu i sprosil "mozno mne horoshuju jagodu!" prodovec dal emu arbuz. russkij udivilsa "dostatochno bolshaja jagoda!"
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300 Chelaru Ianis (RO)
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299 Gonzalo Rivera (ES)
What does a tree say to other tree? What's up, trunk?
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298 Iris Ferrer Monteverde (ES)
- Maman, maman, j'ai un 10 ! - Ah oui! Dans quel sujet ? - Eh bien... un 3 en mathématiques, un 2 en langue, un 3 en anglais et un 2 en géographie. - Mom, mom, I got a 10! - Oh yeah! In what subject? - Well... a 3 in Mathematics, a 2 in Language, a 3 in English and a 2 in Geography.
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297 Vasile Claudiu (RO)
you're somehow an astronaut, because I need space
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296 Bucur Cristian (RO)
Why did the deaf child cry? Because he recived headphones for his birthday
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295 Paula Escoda (ES)
· Un poisson demande à un autre poisson : Que fait ta mère ? Il répond : Rien, et que fait le vôtre ? Rien non plus. ·A fish asks another fish: What does your mother do? He replies: Nothing, and what is yours doing? Nothing neither.
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294 Razvan Dedita (RO)
I hate violence but I like it when luck strikes
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293 Andrei Matei (RO)
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292 Iris e Martim Ferreira e Pinheiro (PT)
Blague sur le frigo. Auteur: Comment mettre un éléphant dans le frigo? Une personne: Vous mettez l´éléphant dans là-dedans. Auteur: Non, vous ouvrez la porte, vous mettez l`´eléphant là-dedans, puis voua fermez la porte. Auteur: Et comment mettre une vache au frigo? Une personne: Vous ouvrez la porte, vous y mettez la vache et vous fermez la porte. Auteur: Non, vous ouvrez la porte, vous sortez l`éléphant, vous mettez la vache á l´intérieur et vous fermez la porte.
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291 Roberta Gaugau (RO)
How do you call a dog who sits on a chinese head? Dog pechinez
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290 Volta sprite (RO)
How do you call a dog who’s seat on a chinese? dog pechinez
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289 Belengher Smecherul (RO)
Pasează cioata
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288 Ramón Roldán (ES)
Which dinosaur does know a lot of synonyms? The thesaurus
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287 (AT)

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286 (AT)

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285 (AT)

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284 Tiago, Giselda, Lara Pereira, Dias, Alves (PT)
Qu'est-ce qu'un requin a dit à un autre requin? Vous me confondez!
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283 Βαγγέλης Βρετός (GR)
Why Mona Lisa's name is Lisa; Because is the only one that rages!
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282 (AT)

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281 Aziz Abubakirov (SE)
One day, while walking with his friend, he met a beautiful woman riding a horse and said to his friend: "Oh, I wish I could be this beauty's horse!" "Ask her, maybe he'll agree to go for a ride on a donkey," suggested his partner.
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280 Florea Teodora (RO)
– Si cette dent fait mal, nous devons aller chez un dentiste. J'espère que tu n'as pas peur. - Non, papa. - C'est comme ça que je te veux, brave. Sachez que le dentiste ne vous fait rien ! – Si oui, à quoi bon l'embêter ?
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279 Emily Crees (GB)
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How does a lazy little bird tweet? Tweet, etc...
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277 Paula Alcobendas (ES)
There was a boy so so tall that he ate a yogurt and when it reached to his stomach it has expired
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276 Mila Coyne (GB)
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275 Deez Nuts (BV)
Your mom, twaya mama
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274 Krystian Nieposiadam (PL)
Sie sagten der Blondine, sie solle den Aufzug putzen, sie fragte, ob es auf jeder Etage sei
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273 Дауни Даун (HN)

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272 Diabou CM1B Ecole Condorcet Evry (FR)
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271 Florin Alexandru Costache (RO)
Two guys are calling a cab. What are they telling the cabbie ? "Dunes"
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270 Maryna Ryba (PL)
Der Lehrer schrieb in das Tagebuch des Schülers: - Zosias Blut ist ein unerträglicher Redner. Am nächsten Tag brachte das Mädchen ein Tagebuch mit der Notiz: - Entkernt! Wenn du ihre Mutter hören könntest! ...
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269 Karolina,Emilka, Ola (PL)

A teacher asks Johnny: - Why are you crying? - I dreamt that my school is on fire. - Calm down. It was only a dream. - That's why I'm crying.
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268 Lourdes Arbós (AL)

Why can't a seer have children? Because it has glass eggs.
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267 rafael gan (ES)
Tu connais pas la blague de l'electricité...? Mais alors, elle est très courante
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266 Barbora Blaščáková (SK)
A 60-years old man comes to the psychiatrist and says: "Doctor, my brother who is 2 years younger than me is playing with a yellow duck in the bathtub." "Well, that is not quite normal at his age, but he is not harming anyone, so let him enjoy it." "But, doctor, that duck is mine!"
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264 Isabela Ivan (RO)
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263 Oliwia,Hania and Ola (PL)

Two boys are carrying a piano on the 20th floor. At one point, one of them says: - I have good and bad news. - Start with the good one. - We are on th 19th floor. - And the bad one? - It's the wrong building.
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262 Cristian Constantin (RO)
What's the name of an mexican who lost his car? Carlosa
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261 (RO)

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260 Mihalea Eduard (RO)
De ce a trecut gaina strada? Ca sa ajunga pe partea cealalta
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259 Lucie (CZ)

A man with a very big belly was standing in front of the kindergarten. A young teacher leaned out of the window and asked: Are you expecting a child? The man smiled and politely replied: No, I got it from the beer.
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258 Cristian Constantin (RO)
What did the ocean say to the sand? Nothing. It just waved.
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257 Vieru Mihail-Lucian (RO)
What’s the best thing about Switzerland? I don’t know Buț the flag is a big plus
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256 (CZ)

DE Sie sind nicht die Französische Revolution, weil ich einen tiefen Seufzer meiner Unterschicht spüre EN you are not the French Revolution because I feel a close sigh of my underclass
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255 Grigore Daniel (RO)
I'm still waiting for you? Where? Down in front of the block. What are you doing there? Well, you told me to get off. When? 10 minutes ago I kissed you on the forehead, then on the lips, then on the neck and you said "go down" and I went down, am I waiting for you much longer or am I going up?
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254 Maria Nigorra (ES)
What is the name of Bruce Lee's vegan brother? Broco Lee.
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253 Popescu Ștefan Șerban (RO)
"Married?" "Yes, for 25 years!" "Do you have children?" "Yes, two!" :Animals?" "No, they are educated, they behave nicely."
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252 Baltasar Tomas (ES)
Why a girl without legs can't play football? -because she's a girl
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251 (AT)

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250 Irene Bordoy (HR)
Que dit un jardinier à un autre ? Soyons heureux pendant que nous le pouvons.
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249 Maxmilián Martiška (CZ)
Der Richter zum Angeklagten: "Sie sind beschuldigt, Ihren Nachbarn unter Schimpfworten in den Wald getrieben und dort ganz fürchterlich verprügelt zu haben. Sind Sie da nicht ein bisschen zu weit gegangen, Angeklagter?" Antwort: "Ja, das stimmt, Herr Richter! Ich hätte es schon vorher auf der Wiese tun sollen!"
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248 Nela Kadeřábková (AT)

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247 Nedq Ioana (RO)
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246 Jusca Denis Sebastian (RO)
A policeman is fishing. He fishes for the famous goldfish, but being too small, he throws it back into the water. The little fish says: "You saved my life, you can wish for three things from me!" The policeman thinks what he thinks and says: "Yur identity card, your driver's license and your entry ticket"
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245 Aneta Bidrmanová (CZ)
when your prostitute dies during sex.... you have another hour for free! :-) . wenn deine Prostituierte beim Sex stirbt.... Sie haben eine weitere Stunde kostenlos! :-)
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244 Grigore Daniel (RO)
În romania the ambulance make ni-no sound, do you know what sound make the ambulance in Hungary?, ni-nem, do you know what sound does ambulance in Afghanistan make?, Boom
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243 Anna Mary Bandyová (CZ)
Der 6-jaehrige Peter entdeckt auf dem Speicher einen Laufstall und laeuft aufgeregt zu seiner Mutter: "Du, bald kriegen wir wieder ein Baby. Papa hat eine Falle aufgestellt."
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242 Nela Foldynový (CZ)
"Aber Herr Ober, der Kaffee ist ja kalt!" "Gut, dass Sie mir das sagen, mein Herr! Eiskaffee kostet nämlich einen Euro mehr ..."
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241 Adéla Oršulíková (AT)
Warum trinkt der Russe Wodka, der Schotte Whisky, der Italiener Wein und der Deutsche Bier? Antwort: Damit man die einzelnen Völker an der Fahne erkennen kann!
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240 Magdaléna Adámková (CZ)
Which team shines the most in the Ukrainian Hockey League? Chernobyl.
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239 Alexandr Staš (CZ)
The wife had already lost patience with her husband's drinking and decided to scare and punish him. She disguised herself as Lucifer, and when he staggered home drunk at night, she jumped on him from around the corner and closed it. Her husband has looked at her and with the calmness of a gentleman he says to her: "You won't scare me dude, I've been married to your sister for 15 years!"
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238 Šimon Smělík (AT)

two ballons fly a one says hey cactussss and the second says where do you seeeeee it. Zwei Ballons fliegen und einer sagt, pass auf Kaktusss auf und der andere wo siehstttt du ihn.
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237 Janko Hrach (SK)
Two jets are going and one is slower.
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236 Vendula Puszterová (CZ)
Do you know the difference between Jew and Santa? Santa goes down the chimney and Jew goes up.
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235 Albotă Leonard Andrei (RO)
When I was young, I was very poor. After years of efforts...I am no longer young.
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234 joel Åkesson (SE)

quelles est difference entre bajen et une batterie? une batterie a aussi un cote positif.
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233 Livio Weber (AT)
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232 Zaira Nuredimi (SK)
Why is kennedy on the half dollar bill ? Because he is missing half his head
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231 (AT)

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230 Paweł Sawicki (PL)
Weißt du, ich habe kürzlich Schwarz in neuen Nike-Fernsehern gesehen. Ich dachte, es wäre meins, aber meine Mutter trägt Pumas
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- What did the Sushi say to the Bee? -Wassabee?
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228 nu e treaba ta ma ta (AT)

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227 David Emanuel (RO)
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226 Calvin Harris (AT)
Ratio + L
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225 11 grade A (RO)
What do you call a can-opener which doesn't work? A can't-opener.
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224 Damaschin Bianca Andreia (RO)
Knock, knock Who's there? Hawaii Hawaii how? I'm fine thanks, hawaii u?
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223 Stavarache Lavinia (RO)
A police officer goes to a Romanian town and asks one of the residents: "So, where do you brew the liquor?" The man replies: "See that church over there? Everywhere except there."
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222 Adolf Hitler (AT)
Hitler did nothing rong
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221 (RO)

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220 Sandra Călăfir (RO)
Knock, knock Who's there? Who? Who who? No, who asked.
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219 Alina Ermina Staicu (RO)
je mangerais un BAKlava
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218 Costache Raisa (RO)
An elephant enters a bar. Where the bar enters? Into renovation.
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217 Ivanciu Dan (RO)
I got kicked out of the cat trainer club because I couldn't control my laughter.
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216 Badea Cristina-Mirela (RO)
Give me just one reason to go forward! - It's green and the others are honking at you!
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215 Daria Avram (RO)
Give me just one reason to go forward! - It's green and the others are honking at you!
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214 Damaschin Bianca Andreia (RO)
Announcement: Handsome young man, student, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I have a concrete car, house with 12 rooms, rich parents, I don't want anything, I'm just bragging.
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213 (AT)

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212 (AN)

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211 Raphael Efstathiou (CY)
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210 Raphael Efstathiou (CY)
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209 Valmira Balla (AL)
Le professeur demande à l'élève de conjuguer le verbe "marcher" au présent. - étudiant : -je marche tu marches.... - prof : "dès qu'on n'a pas le temps" -Étudiant: "Je cours, tu cours ...." The teacher asks the student to conjugate the verb "to walk" in the present tense. - student: -I walk you walk .... -teacher: "as soon as we don't have time" -Student: "I run, you run ...." Der Lehrer bittet den Schüler, das Verb „gehen“ im Präsens zu konjugieren. - Student: - Ich gehe, du gehst .... -gelehrt: "sobald wir keine Zeit haben" -Schüler: "Ich renne, du rennst ..."
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207 Raluca Filipache (RO)
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206 Scarlet Lala gul (FR)
Une fille était dans son cours de français et a demandé d'aller aux toilettes dans cette langue comme un défi, elle a dit : Madame Ellis, jes suis toilet ! De toute évidence, elle avait besoin d'un meilleur enseignement !
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205 Simão Gago (PT)
The patient to the doctor: -Doctor, if I touch my leg, it hurts, if I touch my arm, it hurts, if I touch my face, it hurts. What do I have? - A broken finger.
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204 (AT)

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203 Basia Rulkiewicz-Sławińska (PL)
Co powiedziało Zero do Ósemki? ???? Fajny pasek!
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202 (LV)

Only in Latvia is it possible to go to the store during a commercial break, come back to uncork the bottle and drink half of its volume, sit down on the couch and enjoy the movie again, with the shots cut out so that people don't sit too much in front of the TV.
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201 Maria Iustinica Bădescu (RO)
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200 Victor Chiriac (RO)
During the pandemic, the application that monitors steps asked me if I had died . In 2020: wash up as often as possible ! In 2022: wash as rarely as possible!
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199 Chiriac victor (RO)
During the pandemic, the application that monitors steps asked me if I died In 2020: wash as often as possible In 2022: wash as rarely
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198 (AT)

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197 Emma Pirkl (IE)
What dialect of Irish is spoken on the moon? Munster Irish
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196 Irina Gavrila (RO)
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195 Savu Filip (RO)
What do you do if you're back hurts when you wake up in the morning? You wake up in the afternoon.
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A frog goes to the photographer and says: 'Please, take a picture of me, in which I can appear with a smaller mouth. In all the pictures I have taken so far, I came out with a biiig mouth. "Okay", says the photographer. "When I snap, please say the word "confiture" and that way you will get a smaller mouth. "Let's try!", said the photographer: "confiture!". The frog pronounces immediately after the photographer and everything comes out perfectly. Excellent! says the photographer, Ready! Steady.... but the frog asked: "But what does confiture mean? The photographer a bit irritated: "hey, it doesn't matter..., it is marmalade in French." "Aha", says the frog. The photographer: "Attention! now, snap"...and the frog with a big mouth is saying:" MAAARMELADA".
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193 Thea Jansén (SE)
- Dad, can you help me with the math? - What should I help you with? - I will find the common denominator... - What the hell, haven't you found it yet? We were also looking for it when I was at school?!
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192 Thea Jansén (SE)
Which party is the most allergenic? The hay bale.
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191 Thea Jansén (SE)
What did the baker do when the police came? Batter!
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190 Alessia Camilla (IT)
Pablo dies, he knows Massimo in hell. Pablo asks him how did you die? And Massimo answers hot and you? I died of heartbreak from joy. What do you mean? I suspected that my daughter was dating a mobster so I checked everywhere: in the fridge,under the bed and in the closet but I wasn't there. I was so happy i died if had opened the oven by now we were all alive
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189 (AT)

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188 Holly Baines (GB)
pourquoi les francais manhunt des escargots? parce qu’ils n’aiment pas la restauration rapide !
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187 Giulia Deriu (AT)
you know what a vacuum cleaner does when she's sick .... she takes an aspirin
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186 Lilian Vizzari (FR)
If one thousand cows have covid-19, can we say there are one thousand cases (Milka)?
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185 Iușan Eduard (RO)
What do you go to work with? By force. I meant how do you walk? Cursing! Well,I meant how do you get there! With depression!
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184 Constantinescu Vlad (RO)
What does a claustophobic astronaut need? A little space
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183 (AT)

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182 Gerda Lācīte (LV)
- What are you doing on saturday? - Driving to the beach with my son, to fly a dragon into the air, What about you? - Practically the same, - taking my mother-in-law to the airport.
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181 Patricia Schneider (RO)
God created the sky and earth, the rest was made in China
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180 Dascălu Matei (RO)
I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high...she looked surprised
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179 Dascălu Matei (RO)
I told my wife She has drawing her eyebrows too high,she looked surprised
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178 Mondoc Ioana (RO)
How do you call a fish with no eye? Fsh
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177 Kubi Darius (RO)
I hate violence but i like it when luck strikes
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176 Kubi Darius (RO)
I hate violence but i like it whrn luck strikes
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175 Marisol Hidalgo Baena (ES)
- Hello! Is the English school here? - If, if. Between, between.
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174 Rotaru Aida (RO)
- What's the best thing about Switzerland? - I don't really know but the flag is a big plus!
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173 Luquinha Tavares (PT)
Which Brazilian city does not have a taxi? R: Uberland
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172 Maria Nogueira (PT)
What is the name of the fish that falls from the tenth floor? TUUUNA
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171 ttt ttt (BS)
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170 Elfriede Samuel (BE)
hello here is my wonderful joke what did zero say to eight.....Nice belt!
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169 Kaydan (BH)

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168 (AT)

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167 manuel feria (AT)
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166 Ian kjenne (NO)
That boy threw my sandwich out in the water. Was it on purpose (med vilje)? No it was with cheese (med ost).
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165 (FR)

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164 Beatriz Martins (PT)
Your body has 206, bones and you still think your dog has no interest in you?
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163 João Batista (PT)
olha já que você é muito inteligente me diga quão grande é o deserto do saara. eu não sei, bem, então eu look since you are very smart tell me how big is the sahara desert. I don't know, well then I have to ask another camel
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162 toby (GB)

¿Qué es marrón y pegajoso? Un palo
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161 Matilde Martins (PT)
How does the Sheperd count his cows? With a cow-culator
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160 Margarida Correia (PT)
Let’s see : Louie, what can you tell me about the death of Vasco da Gama? -May he rest in peace , teacher
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159 Diogo Nunes (PT)
Qu'est-ce que c' est un point rouge sur un mur blanc ? c'est un moustique sans frein.
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158 Vili Polanović (HR)
- How would you call invasion of worms on the world? - Global worming.
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157 Stan Dennis (RO)
Marius Csampar was arrested because he was a criminal . In beauty
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156 Laura Oliveira (PT)
People say that everyone have a good side? You must be a circle.
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155 (AT)

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154 Slavko Dragić (BA)
two grandmas walking on a road and fighting wich is going to be in the middle
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153 (AT)

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152 N-am Foamea (RO)
my mother is dead and floating, the lifeguard can't find her
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151 (AT)

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150 Crudu Denis (RO)
Daddy, daddy what are dark jokes? See that boy without hands? Go and tell him to clap his hands But daddy, I'm blind Directed by..
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149 (AT)

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148 Cecilia Ferraro (IT)
Pour faire un velouté, le cuisinier doit décider s’il faut le faire avec les pommes de terre, la. courge et un oignon. L’oignon est coupé en premier puis il faut décider quoi utiliser entre la courge et les pommes de terre. L’oignon suggère au cuisinier : "mais il est évident que le velouté de courge est meilleur" alors les pommes de terre disent "oignon maintenant que tu es coupée, mais tu me fais pleurer !"
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147 Francesca Mantero (IT)
to make a velvety the cook must decideif you make it with potatoes, pumpkin and an onion. The onion is cut firstthen you have to decide what to use between pumpkin and potatoes. The onion suggests to the cook: " But of course the pumpkin soup is better" then the potatoes say: " onion, now that you’re cut, you make me cry!"
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146 Melissa Hohlov (IT)
FRANCESE Un village est attaqué par un lion. S'expriment trois chevaliers: un ours, un aigle et une mouffette. Les chevaliers attaquent le lion, mais l'ours revient sans fourrure, l'aigle revient avec une aile cassée, tandis que la mouffette revient sans une égratignure. L'aigle et l'ours demandent à la mouffette:《Mais comment tu as fait à revenue entière?》et la mouffette répond:《Mon parfum était si bon qu'il l'a tombé raide》.
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145 Yehor Shevtsov (IT)
Once upon a time there was an old tree in a square, along with him lived a young tree that told him hey old tree you fell down, you’re going to die. I will be the first tree to go into the universe>twenty years later the old tree died and the young tree woke up with a strange feeling opened his eyes and saw a blade that was piercing the stem so from the pain he fell asleep, Upon waking up he found himself in a bathroom in the form of toilet paper, saying textual words : what a life of sh**>
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144 Enrico Picciotto (IT)
A doctor prescribes a prescription for a medicine to a gentleman but it was written so badly in italics that he got the medicine wrong. The next day, feeling ill because he had taken the wrong medicine, the gentleman went to the doctor, he told him that he had 48 hours left to live what did he do? killed him and was very satisfied, do you know why? Because when you do a crime they give you years (in prison) and then he thought they gave him 25 years to live but he didn't understand it so he died of poisoning
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143 Alice Guerrato (IT)
A policeman looked around to see what was happening. At one point he saw a man dressed in black coming out of the jewelry store running with a black sack in hand. The policeman stopped the man saying:"Give me back the sack now!!! " and he said :"Take it, go to the dustbin, thank you for the favor!"
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142 Christian Danieli (IT)
Il était une fois un vieil arbre sur une place, avec lui vivait un jeune arbre qui lui a dit : «Hé, vieux arbre, vous êtes tombé en bas, vous allez mourir. Je serai le premier arbre à aller dans l’univers>Vingt ans plus tard, le vieil arbre mourut et le jeune arbre se réveilla avec une sensation étrange ouvrant les yeux et vit une lame qui lui transperçait la tige de sorte que de la douleur s’endormit, à son réveil il se retrouva dans une salle de bain sous forme de papier toilette, En disant textuels mots : quelle vie de m***>
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141 Alessio Ottonello (IT)
Francese: Un jour deux amis se retrouvent au restaurant, quand ils ont choisi le serveur arrive : "Qu'est-ce que vous commandez ?" et l'autre répond : "Je vais prendre la soupe et toi ?" “Je prends du poisson” lorsque les plats arrivent, ils ont apporté une soupe de poisson, puis les deux protestent en disant : “Mais nous n'avons pas commandé de soupe de poisson” et le serveur répond : “Je suis désolé, économisons en utilisant uniquement une cuisinière et une casserole pour chacun des plats."
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140 Matilde Borreani (IT)
Pablo dies, he knows Massimo in hell. Paolo asks him "how did you die?" And Massimo answers "hot ,and you?" "I died of heartbreak from joy!" "What do you mean?" "I suspected that my daughter was dating a mobster, so I checked everywhere: in the fridge, under the bed and in the closet, but it wasn't there. I was so happy I died" "if had opened the oven by now we were all alive".
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139 Cecilia Bongiovanni (IT)
Un policer se regardait pour observer ce qui passait. À un moment , il vitun un homme vetu de noir qui sortait de la bijouterie avec un sac noir à la main. Le policier arrete l'homme en lui disant:" Rendez-moi immédiatement le sac!!! " Il lui a dit:" Oki, Allée à la poubelle, merci!"
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138 Andrea Tabor (IT)
●Ehi, je suis un touriste, connaissez-vous le moyen de transport le plus rapide pour aller au cimetière de Milan ? ● oui ● Attendez à la station de taxi, quand il est sur le point de s'arrêter Tu te jettes dedans ● Oh merci, et pour aller à l'école ? ● Toujours égal, mais n'attendez pas une voiture, attendez un bus ● Et je te donne un conseil, pour aller au cimetière de Pinarello en Corsica réservez un voyage en bateau, quand vous êtes à mi-chemin du voyage, vous trafiquez les moteurs
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137 Sara Fanciulli (IT)
Pablo meurt, en enfer connaît Massimo. Pablo lui demande: "comme t'es morto?" et Massimo répond: "de chaud et tu?" "Je suis mort de chagrin de bonheur" "Comment ça, quoi?" "Je soupçonnais ma fille de sortir avec un mafieux, allor j’ai vérifié partout, dans le frigo, sous le lit et dans le placard, mais il n’y en avait pas. J’étais si heureux que je suis mort." "Si tu avais ouvert le four à cette heure nous serions tous en vie".
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136 Francesca Pasqualin (IT)
A village is attacked by a lion. There are three knights: a bear, an eagle and a skunk. The knights attack the lion, but the bear returns without the fur, the eagle returns with a broken wing, while the skunk returns without a scratch. The eagle and the bear ask the skunk:《How did you get back in one piece?》and the skunk says:《My perfume was so good, it killed him》.
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135 Arturo Della Lena (IT)
● Hey, I'm a tourist, do you know the fastest way to go to the graveyard in Milan ? ● yes, of course ● Wait at the taxi stop, when it's about to stop you throw yourself under it ● Oh thank you, and to go to school? ● It's the same, but don't wait for a car, wait for a bus ● And I give you a tip, to go to the Pinarello graveyard in Corsica book a trip by ship, when you are halfway on the route you tamper with the engines ● okay, thank you !
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134 Lorenzo Ferrara (IT)
Once upon a time there was an old tree in a square, along with him lived a young tree that told him hey old tree you fell down, you’re going to die. I will be the first tree to go into the universe>twenty years later the old tree died and the young tree woke up with a strange feeling opened his eyes and saw a blade that was piercing the stem so from the pain he fell asleep, Upon waking up he found himself in a bathroom in the form of toilet paper, saying textual words : what a life of sh**>
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133 Francesca Cantatore (IT)
Le professeur et son mari parlent… Le mari demande: -On sort dîner ce soir ? Et la femme: -je dois réviser les expressions pour demain. Et le mari: -Ce sera pour la prochaine fois passé du temps… Le mari va voir sa femme et la trouve devant le miroir et lui dit: -Mais pourquoi tu fais ces visages, et tu ne révises pas tes expressions ? Et elle: -c'est juste!
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132 Tulban Nicole (RO)
If you have a bad day, sing! Don't be shy! Let others suffer as well!
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131 Ogrean Ioana (RO)
-Gigel, why do you drink so much? -Of holidays!
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130 Luncean Robert (RO)
When is the best time to collect apples? When the guard is sleeping.
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129 Veșcă Natalia (RO)
Why did the melon jump into the lake? It wanted to be a water-melon.
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128 (AT)

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127 Ruse Raul (RO)
I hate violence but i like when luck hits me Ich hasse Gewalt aber ich mag es wenn mich glück trifft
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126 Vidrighin Ioana (RO)
Why can't the leopard play hide and seek? Because he was always spotted.
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125 Simone Campiciano (IT)
Sunday at the football field of Arenzano, James and Simon study the strategy to win the game. S:"oh Jack, on the website www.winmore.com advice to cover with toilet paper to avoid being see by opponents" G:"Simo, but the field is green" S:"Right, i'm gonna roll in the grass " Now Simone was a mix between a mummy and a broccoli . The stratega works. Simone scores 10goals. S:"wow, did you see that worked?" G:``No wonder you smell so bad. Are you sure it was grass and not manure?" S:" ahahaah, you're right, i was a toilet,and we but gave opponents down the chain"
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124 Purcar Victoria (RO)
Hello mom, don't be upset, please don't panic, it's nothing serious, but I'm in the hospital! - Manole, you have been a doctor for ten years, stop saying that every time you call me.
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123 Giacomo Toso (IT)
Dimanche sur le terrain de football d’Arenzano, James et Simon étudient la stratégie pour gagner le match. S:"oh Jack, sur le site www.gagnez.plus.com conseil de couvrir avec du papier toilette pour éviter d’être vu par les adversaires" G : "Simo, mais le champ est vert" S : "Bon, je vais rouler dans l’herbe " Simone était un mélange entre une momie et un brocoli . La stratégie fonctionne. Simone marque dix buts. S : "Wow, tu as vu que ça a marché ?" G : «Pas étonnant que vous vous sentiez si mauvais. Êtes-vous sûr que c’était de l’herbe et non du fumier?» S:" ahahaah, vous avez raison, j’étais une toilette, et nous avons donné les adversaires en bas de la chaîne"
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122 Elena Sofia Caviglia (IT)
Le scientique Albert rentre à la maison du travail. La femme Marie lui demande:"Qu'as tu fais au travail aujourd'hui?" Il répond:"Je fais une expérience sur les bombes atomiques." Marie:"Et que vas-y faire demain au labo?" Albert:"Quel labo?"
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121 Viola Menini (IT)
The scientist Albert gets home from work. His wife Marie asks him:"What did you do at work today?" He answers:"I did an experiment on atomic bombs." Marie:"And what will you do tomorrow in the laboratory?" Albert:"Which laboratory?"
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120 beatrice bozzo (IT)
Français Il y a deux jours, un avion s'est écrasé au Maroc. Le seul témoin vivant était un singe. La police l'a cherchée et l'a interrogée. Les flics lui ont demandé ce qu'elle faisait au moment de de l'accident et elle répondu qu'elle conduisait.
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119 Giorgia Anselmo (IT)
Angelica fait ses devoirs de géographie avec sa mère ed à un moment elle lui demande :" Maman, où est la Macédoine ?" et maman répond :" Dans le réfrigerateur comme toujours ."
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118 Camilla Balzo (IT)
in Morocco two days ago a plane crashed.The only living witness was a monkey.The police looked for her and when they found her they questioned her.The policeman asked her what she was doing at the time of the accident and she answered that she was driving
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117 Elisa Garbarino (IT)
Angelica is doing her geography homework with her mother and at some point asks her:"Mom, where is Macedonia?" and mom answers:"In the fridge as usual".
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116 Chiara Ferrari (IT)
A horse and her foal, they go to the grocery store They decide to go to the park, where the colt meets his friends At one point they meet another colt and ask him if he wants to go play with they This one presents itself and saying, I'm Zoe a zebra They play and are having fun The mother of the foal, calls him to go home At some point his question to mom, Why do zebras have stripes? Because they escaped from prison
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115 Sophie Borgognone (IT)
Deux anges se rencontrent en paradis et l’un dit à l’autre: « Je ne me souviens pas qui est la femme de Zeus » et l’autre: « Était », « oh, elle est morte? »
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114 Smeu Nicoleta (RO)
how a woman lose 3 kg ? She empties her purse
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113 Cociuba Sophie (RO)
Why can't you give Elsa a ballon? She'll let it go 🎈 Warum kannst du Elsa keinen Ballon geben? Sie wird es lassen
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112 Sfetcovici Andreea (RO)
When does the stork stand on one leg ? When he picks up his other leg.
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111 ilia gurgenidze (GE)
A man goes into a khinkali restaurant. orders 99 khinkali. The waiter asks him: why not 100? he responds: you think I am a fat pig
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110 Sara Jiménez (ES)
- There was a drunk sitting on the corner of a street and a policeman asked him: "Hey mister, have you seen a guy turn this corner? And the drunk replies: No...! When I arrived, the corner was already bent.
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109 Joel Pereira (PT)
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108 Fyfr Sdff (AT)

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107 Rui Ferreira (PT)
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106 Luís Gomes (AT)

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105 Rodrigo Gomes (PT)

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104 Renato Oliveira (PT)
The teacher asks the students to write a text that ends with the phrase “Mother there is only one”. The boys wrote there and then the teacher asks them to read aloud to the whole class. The first is Luisinho: - Yesterday, I got home, my mother opened the door for me, took my coat and backpack and, before making dinner, helped me with my homework. That's why I say that there is only one Mother. - Very good. – congratulated the teacher. – Now you little Pedrinho. The boy Pedro says: - This weekend I went to the beach with my family and, when I was in the water, a big wave came and I almost drowned. My luck is that my mother was attentive and saved me and that's why I say that there is only one mother. - Well done Pedrinho and you have to be very careful in the water! - He congratulated and warned the teacher. Finally, it was the boy Joãozinho's turn. Johnny says: - Yesterday, I got home, the door was open, I took off my backpack and coat, I went into my mother's room, where she and my stepfather were. Then she sent me to get two beers, and when I got to the fridge, I yelled: Mom, there's only one!
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103 Enzo Paglioli (PT)
Three female friends went camping in Florida for the first time. When it was time to sleep, one of them decided to stay out to enjoy the beautiful stars in the sky that night. The next morning one of the friends opens the tent and screams: “AAAAAAAAAHH” The other friend, terrified by the scream, leaves the tent to see what happened and says: "OHHHHH MY GOD!! You killed with that Lacoste sleeping bag!!!"
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102 Joel Coelho (PT)
Teacher: Who thinks he's stupid, stand up Dudu got up Teacher: You think you're dumb Dudu Dudu: No, but I felt sorry to see the teacher standing alone
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101 Rodrigo Vieira (PT)
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100 roos heroes (BE)

tom was walking with his grandma and he saw candy on de ground he wanted to pick it up but his grandma sad everything dat is lying on the ground is dirty than his grandma fals from the stairs and asks tom to pich her up but tom sad no everything that is on the ground is dirty
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99 Munteanu Alexandra (RO)
,,-Qui a battu la premiere fois Etienne le Grand ? -....sa maman
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98 Vlascenco Bianca (RO)
,, Tu sais que font deux abeilles sur la Lune ? ...le mois de miel
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97 Miguel Rocha (PT)
Que dit un requin à un autre requin ? Tu me mélanges .
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96 c b (PT)
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95 C M (PT)
John : J'ai une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle... Première et bonne !! – J'ai passé toutes les chaires à l'université !! Félicitations, fils, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? - C'était un mensonge 😀
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94 Nikolas Hadjipetrou (CY)
What is green, speaks English and has a shell? A "Helloooo-na" ( From the Greek word HELONA meaning turtle)
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93 (CY)

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92 Geantă Alessia (RO)
My boss told me to have a good day, so I went back home...
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91 Andra Neculae (RO)
what's the irony of a snail? to run away from home
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90 Ghițescu Delya (RO)
- Hello, do you have anything against my cough? - No, you can cough as much as you want.
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89 Alexandru Adam (RO)
He wanted a beautiful figure and a flat abdomen, but his soul demanded salami.
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88 Matei Bianca (RO)
My mother told me: follow your dreams. So I went back to bed.
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87 Martin Mara (RO)

-Do you know what two bees do in the moon? -Honeymoon.
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86 Bănică Ștefan (RO)
What does a clock do when it is hungry? It returns in four seconds.
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85 Alex Dumitrescu (RO)
What are you eating ? Bread. Just bread ? Take some bread with it!
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84 Gheorghe Răzvan (RO)

Have you ever heard about the restaurant on Mars? Great menu but no atmosphere.
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83 Bacanu Edi (RO)

Why aren't the poles tomatoes: That people would eat them with cheese.
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82 Andrei Niță (RO)
I'm afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered.
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81 Loghin Alina (RO)
I hate violence but but i like when luck hits me
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80 Ghiță Miruna (RO)
Doctor, I keep seeing pink zebras. - Have you seen a psychologist? - No, only pink zebras.
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79 Raul Preda (RO)

Why did the snail died?Because he looked in the snuff.
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78 Toma Gabriela (RO)

A man was thinking, but when the idea came to him, he slipped.
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77 Ilie Silviu (FR)

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76 Stoenciu Antonia Nicoleta (RO)
Serve tadpoles in this restaurant? -We serve anyone.Sit down!
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75 Tolea Denis (RO)
Bula riding his horse.At one point she fell. why? His horse finished!
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74 Munteanu David (RO)
Is your fridge running fine? Cause we can meet at the fridge race.
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73 Cristina Vraciu (RO)

Why didn't the chicken cross the road? It chickened out
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72 Brad Diana (RO)
Why did a green dot cross the street? Because it was green.
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71 (AT)

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69 Stângă Maria (RO)
,,- J' ai dit une blague sur la chimie, mais je n"ai reçu aucune réaction...!
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68 Radu Ovidiu Andrei (RO)
Do you know why the cocumber crossed the street? Because it was green!
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67 Nuam nume (RO)
Who? who asked you?
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66 Izabela Nănău (RO)
What do you call a train carrying bubblegum? A chew-chew train.
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65 Lenya Kader (GB)
Vous aimez le jazz? (le film des abeilles)
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64 Tanja Burazor (BA)
What is the name of the motorcycle which is laughing? Yamahahaha
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63 Anastasia Musoiu (RO)
C:Daddy, did u had an Iphone when you were 8? D:No! C:So what did u have? D:Lices!
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62 Rebecca Vlase (RO)
-Do you have basin gel? -Excuse me? - Basin gel, do you have? -Maybe shower gel?! -No, because i wash myself in basin.
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61 Lambru Vlad (RO)
Announcement in the newspaper: "We are hiring a clown, we ask for seriousness"
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60 Dragnea Ovidiu (RO)
Dad, I want you to take me to the circus No Costel , whoever wants to see you, come home
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59 Zangur Bogdan (RO)

After 2 hours of thinking of where I should start cleaning from I had a genious idea: - I will get a frapuccino!
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58 Roberto Cirjan (RO)
Two ghosts were talking: „Do you believe in people?”
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57 Dumitru Ayllin (RO)
“Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?” “Yes, because the Empire State Building can't jump!”
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56 Moise Vlad (RO)
- What is a white line in the desert? - … a white string. - What is a black line in the desert? -…the shadow of the string.
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55 Quandale Dingle (ES)
What da dog doin?
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54 Bordea Mario (RO)
Nobody and Dumb were on a boat. Nobody drowns, and Dumb calls out to the lifeguard and says: - Help, Nobody drowned! -You're stupid? -Yes I am!
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53 Tudor Georgian (RO)
Once upon a time there were two balloons in the desert.One balloon says to the other:look a cactusssssssss
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52 Daniel-Gabriel Stan (RO)
today you are young, tomorrow you turn off the radio in the car to see better
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51 Iosif Mario (RO)
Discussion between two neighbors, in the block: "Hot water came?" "It came, but it's cold..."
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50 Ana-Maria Vasilescu (RO)
A dwarf enters a bookstore and asks: “Do you have any books of irony?” Librarian: We have, it's on the top shelf!
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49 Richard Harbist (SK)
A foreigner is asking two friends:"Sprechen sie Deutch? Do you speak English? Parlez-vouz francais? Ponimajete po rusky?" No answer. The foreigner has left and one friend is saying to the other one:" Shouln´t we learn any foreign language?" The other is answering: "Why? He could speak so many. Despite that, he didn´t understand us."
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48 rita pereira (AT)

Que dit le livre de mathématiques au livre d'histoire ? ne me raconte plus d'histoires j'ai déjà plein de problème
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47 Bejan Monica (RO)
To who do mice pray? Cheesus
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46 Francisca Marques (PT)
Quelle est la céréale préférée d'un vampire ? R : Gruau.
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45 Caelan Lumsden (GB)
Comment appelle-t-on la farine préférée des orphelins: Auto-élevage.
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44 (AT)

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43 Regan Clark (GB)
Pourquoi dit-on aux acteurs de se casser une jambe ?
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42 Dylan Martin (GB)
Comment faire rire une table de billard Tu lui chatouille les couilles
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41 Oliwier Rother (PL)
-knock Knock! -who's there? -maths -self? -no, with the threat of ...
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40 Z Jones (GB)
Un ours est entré dans un bar et a dit : Est-ce que je peux avoir........................ un verre s'il vous plaît Le barman a dit : Pourquoi la grande pause L'ours a dit : je ne sais pas j'en ai toujours eu
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39 ben anderson (IE)

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38 (AT)

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37 (AT)

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36 Luka Srabinec (HR)
Why can't dinosaurs clap? Because they're dead.
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35 Patrik Ranogajec (HR)
Whats the name of a Mexican guy who lost a car? Carloss
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34 Duarte Costa (PT)

– João: I have good news and bad news… First the good!! – I passed all the chairs at the university!! Congratulations, son, what's the bad? - It was a lie 😀
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33 Carolina e Sofia Pintor e Silva (PT)
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32 (AT)

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31 Carolina e Sofia Pintor e Silva (PT)
Who is actress for always in farm? Júlia Palha. AHAHAHAH
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30 Sofia D (SE)
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29 (AT)

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28 Chai Osuere (ES)
your mom
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27 timi simi (RO)

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26 (AT)

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25 Giorgia Ascia (IT)
comment calment-ils végétarien? la céleri
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24 Mary James (GB)
Two people are walking down the street and the one in the middle falls down.
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23 Javier Torres Gutiérrez (ES)
Two guys are walking and the one in the middle falls down
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22 Gabriela-Otilia ILIE (RO)
Pas necessaire
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21 Militaru Nicoleta (RO)
Need money? Call me? I don't have it either! But at least we can chat about it.
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20 (IT)

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19 (AT)

– “Listen,” says a mom to her little girl, “if you behave yourself [être sage], you’ll go to Heavens, but if you don’t behave, you’ll go to hell.” – So, what should I do to go to the circus?
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18 (AT)

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17 Classe LCE Collège de la Brie Champenoise (FR)
- He took his dog to school every day but he had to stop. - Why ? - The dog got his degree !
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16 Lydia Rinnerthaler (GB)
Nein, German "No", pronounced like "nine".
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15 Ivana Fukat (HR)
When you can't beat someone, join them. So what am I going to do now, fly with a mosquito around the house?
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14 (AT)

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13 (AT)

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12 Sava Bajceta (MONT)
'Do you have menthol candies?' asked the guy in the store.' No,we don't.' The second day, the same answer. 'We don't have any, if you come for menthol candies again, I will cut your hand with an axe!'The next day, the guy asks: 'Do you have an axe?' 'No!' ' And menthol candies?'
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11 Delphine Mauger (FR)
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10 Nina Tsenkoulovska-Janaty (BG)
- Do you speak English? - Yes, of course. - What does “I am” mean? - One o'clock in the morning.
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