Myth or fact?

Mit sau realitate?

1. My mother tongue is all I need.

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2. I’m not bilingual/multilingual. I can only speak one language.

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3. Most people in the world use more than one language.

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4. English is the only language children need.

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5. Children get confused if they learn more than one language at the same time.

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6. I can’t help a child to learn or use a language I don’t know (well enough) myself.

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7. If learners don’t know the language of schooling, they’ll learn it best by being exposed to that language only - and by using that language only.

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8. Continued use of the home language(s) will interfere with children’s learning of the language of schooling.

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9. My job is to teach X as a foreign language and not to deal with other languages in my classroom.

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