Are you a language detective?

Can you recognise all the languages being displayed in the game?

Are you a language detective?

Can you recognise all the languages being displayed in the game?

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Language 1 (out of 40):

...mogućnosti komunicirati i razumjeti, prema vlastitim potrebama i zahtjevima. Međunarodna raširenost engleskog čini se neodoljivom, a istraživanja potvrđuju dojam da usvajanje neke razine engleskog jezika je prioritet za najveći broj učenika stranih jezika (jedna od tri tvrdnje da bi mogli razgovarati na njemu, prema Eurobarometru). Ipak, kada je to jednom...

Decoding the Rosetta Stone: an ancient mystery unveiled!

Have you ever heard the story of how linguists decrypted the Rosetta Stone? This ancient artifact, discovered in 1799, held the key to understanding the enigmatic hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt. So, fasten your seatbelts, and let's dive into this mind-boggling linguistic puzzle!

The Rosetta Stone: a multilingual marvel

Imagine stumbling upon a massive stone slab, about the height of a teenager, with mysterious inscriptions etched into its surface. That's the Rosetta Stone for you! What's so special about it? Well, it had the same text written in three different scripts: Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script, and ancient Greek. Talk about cracking a secret code!

The language detectives

Like skilled detectives, linguists had to unlock the meaning of each script on the Rosetta Stone. They had a head start with ancient Greek, which they already understood. But the real challenge lay in deciphering the hieroglyphs and the lesser-known Demotic script.

Cracking the hieroglyphic code

Cracking the hieroglyphic code was no small feat - it took many years of study, comparison, and analysis to make breakthroughs. One of the key players for this was Jean-François Champollion, a brilliant French linguist. He studied various ancient Egyptian texts, including the Rosetta Stone, and slowly unraveled the complex hieroglyphic system. By matching the Greek names mentioned in the text with their corresponding hieroglyphic symbols, he managed to open up a whole new world of understanding the ancient Egyptian language!

Demystifying the Demotic script

The Demotic script, a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing, posed an additional challenge. Scholars worked tirelessly to compare the text on the Rosetta Stone with other Demotic texts found in Egypt. Through diligent comparison and analysis, they were eventually able to decipher the script, bringing us even closer to the secrets of the past.

The legacy lives on

Thanks to the incredible efforts of these language heroes, the Rosetta Stone became the key to unlocking the ancient Egyptian civilization. It allowed us to read and understand their stories, beliefs, and culture. Today, it stands as a symbol of linguistic triumph and continues to inspire new discoveries in the field of Egyptology.

The Rosetta Stone is not just a cool-looking artifact but a linguistic enigma that puzzled the brightest minds for years. It reminds us of the power of language and the importance of preserving our ancient heritage. So, if you ever dream of becoming a language detective, remember the Rosetta Stone and let it fuel your curiosity to uncover the hidden stories encoded within ancient texts. 

Happy decoding!