Cites famoses

Tots coneixem cites de personalitats famoses en les nostres pròpies llengües i cultures. Però quantes en coneixem en altres llengües? Aquí us oferim l'oportunitat de descobrir la saviesa, les veritats (o mitges veritats!), la creativitat, l'humor i de vegades el cinisme d'un gran nombre de cultures i llengües, així com els seus orígens. Teniu una cita preferida? Ens encantaria que ens ho féssiu saber!

Cites famoses

Tots coneixem cites de personalitats famoses en les nostres pròpies llengües i cultures. Però quantes en coneixem en altres llengües? Aquí us oferim l'oportunitat de descobrir la saviesa, les veritats (o mitges veritats!), la creativitat, l'humor i de vegades el cinisme d'un gran nombre de cultures i llengües, així com els seus orígens. Teniu una cita preferida? Ens encantaria que ens ho féssiu saber!

2 quote(s)
Pages count: 1


In the very end, civilizations perish because they listen to their politicians and not to their poets.

By Jonas Mekas
Mekas, a prominent figure in avant-garde cinema and a fervent supporter of artistic freedom, frequently highlighted the value of creative voices over political discourse. He argued that when societies focus too much on political agendas and overlook the perspectives of poets and artists, they jeopardise their cultural and spiritual core. Mekas championed the idea that art should be seen as a crucial and guiding force for civilisations.


For an artist, to be normal is a disaster.

By Jonas Mekas
Jonas Mekas, a Lithuanian-American filmmaker, poet and artist is known for his pioneering work in avant-garde cinema. Mekas's quote highlights his view that adhering to conformity and conventional norms goes against the essence of creativity. He believes that for artists, moving away from what is deemed 'normal' or mainstream is crucial for genuine artistic innovation and self-expression.