Famous quotes

We are all familiar with quotes from famous personalities in our own languages and cultures - but how many do we know from elsewhere in different languages? Here is a chance to discover the wisdom, truths (or half-truths!), creativity, humour and sometimes downright cynicism from a range of cultures and languages as well as their origins. Do you have a favourite? We would be delighted if you would also contribute some of your own!

Famous quotes

We are all familiar with quotes from famous personalities in our own languages and cultures - but how many do we know from elsewhere in different languages? Here is a chance to discover the wisdom, truths (or half-truths!), creativity, humour and sometimes downright cynicism from a range of cultures and languages as well as their origins. Do you have a favourite? We would be delighted if you would also contribute some of your own!

1 quote(s)
Pages count: 1


In regione caecorum rex est luscus. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

By Erasmus of Rotterdam
This quote comes from Erasmus' 'Adagia', a collection of proverbs. It means that when in the company of individuals with lesser skills, even someone with average talent will stand out, which translates into greater influence and power.