The beauty of languages

Every language harbours intriguing expressions, often accompanied by interesting or amusing anecdotes related to their usage. These reflect the unique charm and elegance of a language. Can you come up with an expression that you love – either from your native language or one you're learning— and provide the backstory or anecdote that explains its meaning?

 Kezdeményezés 2023 
The beauty of languages

Every language harbours intriguing expressions, often accompanied by interesting or amusing anecdotes related to their usage. These reflect the unique charm and elegance of a language. Can you come up with an expression that you love – either from your native language or one you're learning— and provide the backstory or anecdote that explains its meaning?

Oldal megtekintése

A face pe dracul în patru


Clarissa Stella (IT)

It's raining cats and dogs

Cezar Copuzeanu (RO)

Koń jaki jest, każdy widzi


Tudor Velcea (RO)

Delante de tus narices

Elena Gómez (ES)

A mal tiempo, buena cara

Eric Cucuteanu (RO)

All about "Odyssey"


Arsakeio Greek-Albanian College of Tirana

Paganini non ripete



Classe 3A Scuola Secondaria "Moscati" I.C. "Catalano-Moscati" (IT)

Сговорна дружина, планина повдига!

Petya Tsvetkova (BG)

Indian summer


Iasmina Maria Munteanu (RO)

Il y a anguille sous roche



Lili-Rose & Joris (FR)

A umbla cu cioara vopsită



Dumitrache Matteo (RO)
  Stela Kamberi (AL)

U banani sam

Eva Šoljo (HR)

Estar loco como una cabra

María Cordero Barragán (ES)

Sulla luna

Graziana Campanelli (IT)

Tener memoria de pez

Nerea Aranda (ES)

Îți dau papucii

Sandu Alexia (RO)

άκοU να δεις

Antonis Fernandes (GB)

făcut din sticlă

Stoican Maria Bianca (RO)


Tănase Elena-Andra (RO)

It's not rocket science



Achille LEBRUN (FR)

You can't judge a book by its cover

Petar Marton Macan (HR)

Svaki lonac ima svoj poklopac



Lovro Erdelji (HR)

Kupila sam mačka u vreći


Rebeka Bogomolec (HR)

Na Sveto nigdarjevo


 Zara Židov (HR)

Tak si kak muha bez glave



Ena Janković (HR)

Polish proverbs

Małgosia, Gabrysia, Oliwia (PL)

Wenn dir das Leben Zitronen gibt, mach Limonade draus

Anna Lebrun (FR)