Fleyg orð

Okkur er flestum kunnugt um fleyg orð úr eigin menningarheimi á eigin tungumáli. En hve mörg þekkjum við á öðrum tungumálum? Héf gefst tækifæri til þess að uppgötva ekki einungis tilvitnanir frá ýmsum menningarheimum á ýmsum tungumálum, heldur jafnframt uppruna þeirra. Átt þú þér uppáhalds tilvitnun? Þér er velkomið að senda okkur tilvitnanir!

Fleyg orð

Okkur er flestum kunnugt um fleyg orð úr eigin menningarheimi á eigin tungumáli. En hve mörg þekkjum við á öðrum tungumálum? Héf gefst tækifæri til þess að uppgötva ekki einungis tilvitnanir frá ýmsum menningarheimum á ýmsum tungumálum, heldur jafnframt uppruna þeirra. Átt þú þér uppáhalds tilvitnun? Þér er velkomið að senda okkur tilvitnanir!

4 quote(s)
Pages count: 1


Un popor care nu-și cunoaște istoria este ca un copac fără rădăcini. A people without knowledge of its own history is like a tree without roots.

Eftir Nicolae Iorga
Iorga was a renowned Romanian historian, politician and writer in the early 20th century. He is well-known for his insightful quotes that reflect his passion for literature, history and national identity. His quotes often celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Romania and emphasise the importance of historical knowledge for national identity and unity. This quote reflects his belief that without a deep understanding of their past, people lose their cultural and national bearings.


Egalitatea nu există decât în matematică. Equality only exists in mathematics.

Eftir Mihai Eminescu
Said by the famous Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu, considered to be one of the greatest figures in Romanian culture and is frequently quoted.


Mai bine să taci și să fii crezut un prost, decât să vorbești și să… să înlături orice îndoială. It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Eftir Ion Luca Caragiale
Ion Luca Caragiale was a playwright, poet, and prose writer, known for his satirical and critical works in Romanian literature. This quote reflects his wit and satire, cautioning against speaking impulsively without considering consequences, which could lead to embarrassment or misunderstanding.


Pământul e singurul loc în care se poate crea Paradisul.

Eftir Octavian Paler, writer and politician
This reflects a belief in human potential and responsibility to shape a better world through conscious effort and dedication.