Famous quotes

Vi er alle kjende med sitat frå berømte personar på vårt eige språk og frå vår eigen kultur – men kor mange kjenner vi frå andre stader og på andre språk? Her er nokre som seier litt om visdommen, sanningane (eller halvsanningane!), kreativiteten og humoren – og somme tider den reine kynismen – som ligg i mange kulturar og språk, og du får vite kvar sitata stammar frå. Har du ein favoritt? Fint om du vil bidra med nokre av dine eigne!

Famous quotes

Vi er alle kjende med sitat frå berømte personar på vårt eige språk og frå vår eigen kultur – men kor mange kjenner vi frå andre stader og på andre språk? Her er nokre som seier litt om visdommen, sanningane (eller halvsanningane!), kreativiteten og humoren – og somme tider den reine kynismen – som ligg i mange kulturar og språk, og du får vite kvar sitata stammar frå. Har du ein favoritt? Fint om du vil bidra med nokre av dine eigne!

6 quote(s)
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Una lingua diversa è una diversa visione della vita. A different language is a different outlook on life.

By Federico Fellini, Italian film director
Every language and every form of expression reveals a unique perspective of looking at the world. Therefore, speaking a different language allows people to perceive and interpret the world through different cultural lenses.


Un linguaggio diversa è una visione diversa della vita. A different language is a different vision of life.

By attributed to Federico Fellini, Italian film director and screenwriter


La Dolce Vita “the sweet life” /“the sweetness of life”

By Frederico Fellini
La Dolce Vita is the title of Italian film director, Federico Fellini's, ground-breaking 1960 satire. It was, at the time, regarded as one of the most stylish movies ever made - putting Italian cinema firmly on the world stage. The film, starring Marcello Mastroianni and Anita Ekberg, made Rome THE destination to visit and made many people aspire to drive a Lambretta or a Vespa, wear exclusive fashion along with sunglasses (at night!), drink cappuccino and generally hang out on the streets, even when it was pouring with rain! One of the characters in the film, Paparazzo, provided the inspiration for the term "paparazzi" - to describe photographers making a living from their (sometimes unwanted) shots of celebrities. Not everyone was so enamoured with the film, with some condemning if for placing a spotlight on corruption, debauchery, perversion, and aimlessness among the ‘high society’.


Il dado è tratto. The dice is drawn

By Unknown
The phrase originates from the famous Latin expression “Alea iacta est,” which has come to symbolise that a decision has been made or a challenge has been set in motion, from which there is no turning back. According to Suetonius in 'Divus Iulius', Caesar uttered the phrase, in the different order “Iacta alea est,” before crossing the Rubicon River with his army, thereby initiating the civil war against Pompey.


Se non è vero, è ben trovato. Even if it is not true, it is a good story.

By Giordano Bruno


La lingua dell'Europa è la traduzione. The language of Europe is translation.

By Umberto Eco, author and philosopher
Translation is one of the key elements of everyday communication in Europe, as it is such a culturally and linguistically diverse continent. Therefore, translation ensures that no one language takes precedence, and instead preserves the rich diversity that defines Europe.