Evenimente ale Zilei Europene a Limbilor

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Colours in 9 European languages

 Language teaching and learning, 26 sept. 2023 - 27 sept. 2023, Žilina, Slovacia

Nine teachers of our school prepared various interesting activities for our learnes in nine different European languages, which they are able to speak, in addition to their mother tongue. The goal of the event was to teach the colours in Czech, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Swedish, Polish, French, Hungarian and German languages. Learning colours in the given language was accompanied by an activity that is known or typical for the given nationality: in the Hungarian room they were making a coloured Rubik cube, in the Greek room they were dancing the Greek Sirtaki dance, in the French room they were wrapping colourful macaroons, in the Polish room they were forming an orchestra playing a Polish folk song , in the Czech one they were practicing with hula hoop, in the Italian one they were playing with a ball, in the Swedish one they were solving puzzles and in the German one they were even singing a rap song. At the end of the event each learner they completed the chart with vocabulary of colours in nine languages, and they also wrote the colours there in English, because English is taught at our school from the first class.

Venue: Church Primary School R. Zaymus in Žilina (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers Media Parents

Organizer: Church Primary School Romuald Zaymus
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 143
Address: Ul. R. Zaymusa 3, 01001, Žilina, Slovacia
Contact Name: Korina Bieliková
Website: https://zszayza.edupage.org/

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20 de idei pentru Ziua Europeană a Limbilor din acest an

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20 de idei pentru Ziua Europeană a Limbilor din acest an

Căutați în continuare idei pentru o inițiativă care să respecte regulile „distanțării sociale” pentru Ziua Europeană a Limbilor din acest an? În aceste vremuri incerte, poate fi dificil să organizezi evenimente care să garanteze siguranța, fiind în același timp atrăgătoare pentru un număr mare de oameni. Mai jos sunt câteva idei pentru a vă stimula creativitatea, majoritatea bazate pe principiul „Începe mic pentru a deveni mare”! 20 idei de activităţi care pot fi realizate respectând regulile distanțării fizice.
Cel mai inovator eveniment al anului 2023este
Message in a Bottle

Evenimentul a primit peste 480 de voturi și a fost organizat de către Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Felicitări câștigătorilor!

Suntem foarte impresionați de creativitatea și efortul depus în organizarea evenimentelor trimise și dorim să mulțumim tuturor organizatorilor de evenimente "Ziua Europeană a Limbilor" din 2023.