Dogodki ob evropskem dnevu jezikov

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in six European languages

 Language teaching and learning, 02 okt 2023 - 03 okt 2023

Our youngest learners (6 – 9 years old) could learn to count from one to five in five different languages: French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian and Finnish. Moreover, they could learn interesting information about the countries where the given language is spoken. And they could also find out that some languages are similar, but some are completely different. After acquiring the given vocabulary of numbers, they sang and melodically counted from one to five according to tune of the song „We will rock you“. During this activity two older classmates played the guitar and the drums. Then they also revised counting in English, because they had learnt numbers in English.

Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers General public

Organizer: Church Primary School R. Zaymus
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 225
Contact Name: varosova.dominika@gmail.com
Website: https://zszayza.edupage.org/

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20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov

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20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov

Iščete ideje, kako ob letošnjem evropskem dnevu jezikov organizirati dogodek z upoštevanjem socialne distance? V teh negotovih časih je pravi izziv organizirati dogodke za veliko število ljudi, ki bi bili varni in hkrati tudi privlačni. Spodaj je navedenih nekaj idej, ki lahko poženejo vaše ustvarjalne misli. Večina teh idej je zasnovana po načelu »če želiš postati velik, začni z majhnimi koraki. 20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov.
'Najbolj inovativen dogodek' leta 2023 je
Message in a Bottle

Dogodek je prejel glasov 480, organiziral pa ga je Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Čestitke zmagovalcem!

Najbolj smo bili navdušeni nad kreativnostjo in delom, ki je bil vložen v organizacijo vseh prijavljenih dogodkov, prav tako pa bi se želeli zahvaliti vsem organizatorjem dogodkov ob EDJ v letu 2023.