Meроприятия Европейского дня языков

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I play with words and make a haiku poem

 Language Day, 15 окт 2023

The structure of the haiku consists of three verses with 5, 7 and 5 syllables. It is usually inspired by images of the natural environment or a poetic snapshot. Of course we can use whatever theme we want. If we want, we put a title, if we don't, we don't. First, the children are divided into three groups. To help the children in this game we made three columns of words, the first with two syllables, the second with three, and the third with four. The children are asked to combine in the first verse the words with two and three syllables, the second verse with three and four syllables, and in the third verse of the haiku with two and three syllables. We ask him to write three such identical stanzas. The team that manages to make the most haiku wins.

Target groups:  Language learners Children Language teachers Students Parents

Organizer: Primary Schools of Serres Neoxoriou,Pontismenou,Skotoussas.
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 60
Website: https://padlet.com/mplagkou/i-play-with-words-and-make-a-haiku-poem-c0ai335f8rza5ffs

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20 идей к Европейскому дню языков 2022

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20 идей к Европейскому дню языков 2022

Все еще в поиске идей для мероприятий в Европейский день языков? Не так уж просто организовать веселые, увлекательные и с обучающим элементом мероприятия. Ниже предлагаем несколько идей, большая часть которых основана на принципе «от малого к бóльшему»: дай волю своей фантазии! 20 идей мероприятий для празднования ЕДЯ в этом году.
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