Dogodki ob evropskem dnevu jezikov

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2023 motto in different languages

 Poster campaign, 27 sep 2023 - 17 nov 2023, Athens, Grčija

The students were first familiarised with the concept of the celebration of the European Day of Languages as well as the different languages spoken in Europe through the online quizzes of the European Council. Then, they were invited to choose each a country on the classroom’s map. After having decided which country each student would represent, they translated this year’s motto with the aid of the Google translate web tool. They discovered how the motto was written and learned its pronunciation. They then digitalised (copy and paste) the motto, all students in a uniform way as far as the fonts were concerned, and printed their productions. They then were invited to fill their printed motto with colour, cut it out and stick it on a European map after having made a search as to the location of the country on the map. Last but not least, they put their works in a frame, which now decorates their classroom and brings memories of the experience.

Venue: 1st Primary School of Agii Anargyri (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers Students

Organizer: 1st Primary School of Agii Anargyri
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 31
Address: 45, Agion Anargyron street, 13561, Athens, Grčija
Contact Name: Takmazoglou Barbara
Website: https://blogs.sch.gr/1dimagan/2023/12/11/eyropaiki-imera-glosson-2023/

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20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov

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20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov

Iščete ideje, kako ob letošnjem evropskem dnevu jezikov organizirati dogodek z upoštevanjem socialne distance? V teh negotovih časih je pravi izziv organizirati dogodke za veliko število ljudi, ki bi bili varni in hkrati tudi privlačni. Spodaj je navedenih nekaj idej, ki lahko poženejo vaše ustvarjalne misli. Večina teh idej je zasnovana po načelu »če želiš postati velik, začni z majhnimi koraki. 20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov.
'Najbolj inovativen dogodek' leta 2023 je
Message in a Bottle

Dogodek je prejel glasov 480, organiziral pa ga je Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Čestitke zmagovalcem!

Najbolj smo bili navdušeni nad kreativnostjo in delom, ki je bil vložen v organizacijo vseh prijavljenih dogodkov, prav tako pa bi se želeli zahvaliti vsem organizatorjem dogodkov ob EDJ v letu 2023.