Događaji Evropskog dana jezika

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learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens

 Conference, 26 sep 2024, Catania, Italija

The event taks place under the umbrella of Rotary, through an intensive experience organized also by sicilian district where Future Young Leader develop their skills. Rotary wishes to inspires young leaders to serve as catalysts for peace and social justice in their local communities and throughout the world. What the rotarian conference will offer to participants is: an openness to new ideas and experiences, a willingness to adapt and to gain new perspectives, and an opportunity to learn new ways of living, which are the same values that define Rotary itself. Event will be held at (and in cooperation with) "CONVITTO M. CUTELLI" in Catania, a unique secondary school in Sicily where students attend both Italian and French courses to be awarded with ESABAC.

Venue: CONVITTO M. CUTELLI (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Language teachers Students Media Policy deciders/politicians at national

Organizer: Rotary Club Catania
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 80
Address: Via Vittorio Emanuele II n. 56, 95131, Catania, Italija
Contact Name: Laura Rosaria Bonaccorso, President Incoming Year 2024-2025

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

Mučiš se da nađeš ideje za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika? Organizacija događaja koji su zabavni i privlačni velikom broju ljudi, a opet imaju obrazovni element i motivišu, može biti izazov. Evo par ideja koje će inspirisati tvoju kreativnost, od kojih je većina zasnovana na principu „početi od manjeg da bi se stiglo do većeg“! 20 prijedloga za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika:
Najinovativniji događaj 2023 godine je
Message in a Bottle

Događaj je zaradio preko 480 glasova i upriličen je od strane Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Čestitke pobjednicima!

Najviše smo impresionirani kreativnošću i velikom količinom uloženog truda u organizaciju događaja te se želimo zahvaliti svim organizatorima EDJ događaja u 2023 godini.