Події Європейського дня мов

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6th HLE Networking Night

 Workshop, 26 Вер 2024, Eindhoven, Нідерланди

Join us for an evening of professional development and networking with others involved with mother tongue education! The HLE Networking Night is an annual tradition in Eindhoven/Brainport since 2019, to put in the spotlight the active language groups in the city. The event provides a welcoming space for professionals involved in heritage language education -- and local partners -- to come together, share experiences, and explore ideas for collaboration.

Venue: DOMUSDELA (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language teachers Language experts Policy deciders/politicians at national

Organizer: HLE Network
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 90
Address: Kanaalstraat 4, 5611CT, Eindhoven, Нідерланди
Contact Name: HLE Network
Website: https://www.hlenet.org/events/hlenetnight2024

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20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

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20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

Struggling to find ideas for an event for this year’s European Day of Languages? It can be challenging to organise events that are fun, inclusive, have an educational element and motivate a large number of people. Below are a few ideas to get your creative thoughts flowing, most of which are based on the principle of “starting small to go big”! 20 ideas for activities that can be carried in celebration of this year's EDL.
Найінноваційнішою подією 2023 року стала
Message in a Bottle

Подія набрала понад 480 голосів і була організована Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Вітаємо переможців!

Нас найбільше вразили креативність та великі зусилля, спрямовані на організацію поданих заходів, і ми хотіли б подякувати усім організаторам заходів ЄДМ у 2023 році.