Say "HELLO" on different languages!
Language teaching and learning,
15 септ. 2024 - 25 септ. 2024,
Subotica, Serbia
The bilingual class of 3 year olds will learn how to greet each other on Serbian, Hungarian and English. We will record the activities, and make a video of it to promote the European Day of Languages.
We will create a poster too to inform parents and other classes in our kindergarten about our activity.
Venue: Šumica kindergarten, Naša radost Preschool Organisation (Show On Map)
Target groups: Pupils
Organizer: Edina Đorović - Šumica kindergarten
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 20
Address: Antona Aškerca 3 , 24000, Subotica, Serbia
Contact Name: Edina Đorović
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