"Imagine...to Give Peace A Chance"
Language Week,
24 set 2024 - 27 set 2024,
Mytilene, Grecia
The pupils of 6th grade are going to create a collage about how they imagine Peace, say the word "peace" in different languages and together with our guests Erasmus+ Czech pupils are going to sing "Imagine" and "Give Peace a Chance" and then, we will offer them symbols of Peace- handmade key chains with a dove. Also, we will organize an activity with our etwinning partners to create a Wordcloud with messages about peace.
Venue: Primary School of Pamfila and online (Show On Map)
Target groups: Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers
Organizer: Primary School of Pamfila and partners of eTwinning project "SU.XCE.S.S."
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 30
Address: Pamfila, 81150, Mytilene, Grecia
Contact Name: Theodora Tsagkari
Website: http://dimpamfilon.weebly.com/
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