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KCI Virtual Café on EDL “Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the 2004 EU enlargement

 Seminar, 26 ruj 2024

This year, the EU celebrates 20 years of its biggest enlargement: on 1 May 2004, ten countries (Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) joined the European Union, which grew from 15 to 25 members. This historic enlargement of the EU, increasing the number of Member States by two-thirds overnight, was the culmination of a long accession process. It signalled the reunification of a Europe that had been divided for half a century. The enlargement made the EU the world's largest integrated market and increased trade between Member States, contributing to economic growth both in the EU and the acceding countries. The 2004 enlargement languages will be in the spotlight: our interpreters will be providing simultaneous interpretation from all of them into French, German and English, providing participants with a nice opportunity to witness simultaneous interpretation in action.

Target groups:  Language learners Researchers Language teachers Students Language experts

Organizer: European Commission
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 75
Contact Name: Knowledge Centre on Interpretation

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika

Mučite se oko ideje za manifestacijom uz poštovanje 'preporučene fizičke udaljenosti' za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika? U ovim nesigurnim vremenima može biti izazovno organizirati događanja koja su i sigurna i ujedno privlačna velikom broju ljudi. U nastavku slijedi nekoliko ideja koje vas mogu potaknuti na kreativnost, a od kojih se većina temelji na principu „počnimo kao mali i izrastimo u velike, još veće“! 17 ideja za aktivnosti koje se mogu provoditi uz poštovanje fizičke udaljenosti.

20 ideja za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika

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Najinovativnije događanje 2024 godine je
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Događanje je zaradilo preko 1900 glasova i organizovano je od strane Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

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Najviše nas se dojmila kreativnost i velika količina uloženog truda u organizaciju prijavljenih događanja te se želimo zahvaliti svim organizatorima EDJ događanja u 2024 godini.