EDL Bratislava 2024
26 zář 2024 - 27 zář 2024,
Bratislava, Slovensko
In cooperation with the National Institute for Education and Youth and EUNIC Cluster members, we are excited to host a language on September 26th and a series of online workshops on September 27th.
Held at Nová Cvernovka, a modern industrial-style community space ideal for primary and secondary school pupils, we will have plenty of space to provide participants with a wide spectrum of language activities:
Stands, story time corners, quizzes, mini lessons, and creative arts and crafts workshops in various foreign languages provided by EUNIC Cluster members.
Representation and joint activities by cultural institutes from 6-10 "Big Bang" accession countries.
An interactive language game combining dancing and quizzes on electronic dancing mats.
Online Workshops (September 27th):
Platform: Zoom (upon registration)
Hosts: Various EUNIC Cluster members
Join us for two days of language learning, cultural exchange, and interactive fun.
Venue: Nová Vvernovka (Show On Map)
Target groups: Pupils Children Language teachers
Organizer: European Commission
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 80
Address: Račianska 78, 831 02, Bratislava, Slovensko
Contact Name: National Institute of Education and Youth, EUNIC Cluster members
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