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No language barriers

 Workshop, 26 Set. 2024 - 26 Set. 2024, Ulcinj, Montenegro

Our school is a school of approximately 1500 students, teaching is bilingual, and it is famous for its diversity, having a lot of students from marginalized groups. We wanted to make a workshop in our school's hall where we would spread some traditional rugs and carpets and where the students would sit and be cosy and feel as a whole. Our ten English language teachers and three German teachers will invite several students from classes they teach in and all of them will have a task to make a T-shirt logo, showing that there are no barriers between us even though we may speak different languages. The logos will be created according to the instructions for the T-shirt logo competition and the most meaningful designs will be sent to the contest. We wanted to foster their creativity in a pleasant atmosphere where they will be encouraged to interact with each other and communicate.

Venue: Elementary school "Maršal Tito" (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Children

Organizer: Elementary school "Maršal Tito"
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Address: Braća Frašeri bb, 85360, Ulcinj, Montenegro
Contact Name: Abela Avdiu

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20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

Cústache atopar ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas deste ano? Organizar actos divertidos, integradores, educativos e que motiven a un gran número de persoas pode ser todo un reto. A continuación, ofrecémosche algunhas ideas para dar renda solta á túa creatividade, a maioría das cales se basean no principio de “empezar polo pequeno para chegar ao grande”. 20 ideas de actividades que poden levar a cabo para celebrar o DEL deste ano.

20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

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20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

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2024: o 'acontecemento máis innovador' é
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

O evento recibiu 1900+ votos e foi organizado polo Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Parabén aos gañadores!

Impresionounos enormemente a creatividade e o grande esforzo realizado para organizar os actos presentados e queremos dar as grazas a todos os organizadores dos actos do DEL de 2024.