26 zář 2024 - 26 zář 2024,
NAPOLI, Itálie
Our students will be engaged in playing foreign language games - quizzes, drawings, role plays, storytelling - in order to celebrate the importance of the foreign languages
studied and spoken in our school.
The activities will take place either in the classrooms or in the laboratories.
The day will be an important time of celebration and gathering for our school community.
Venue: Liceo "L. A. Seneca" (Show On Map)
Target groups: Students
Organizer: Liceo "L. A. Seneca"/Dipartimento di Lingue Straniere
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 660
Address: Via Torregaveta 68, 80070, NAPOLI, Itálie
Contact Name: Prof.ssa ASSUNTA OLIVA
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