'Cultivating a Culture of Peace'
Language Week,
23 Sep 2024 - 30 Sep 2024,
Niksic, Montenegro
1. Escape room - English, Italian, Russian, German, Montenegrin - Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian Languages
2. School choir perform songs in different languages that are connected with peace
3. Language classes - messages of peace
4. Workshops with pedagogist and psychologist on peaceful communication skills
5. Art exhibition
Venue: Elementary school "Milija Nikcevic" (Show On Map)
Target groups: Language learners Language teachers Students Young people (in general)
Organizer: Elementary school "Milija Nikcevic" Niksic Montenegro
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 210
Address: Skolska 84, 81400, Niksic, Montenegro
Contact Name: Dragana Radoman
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