European Day of Languages

 Language Day, 26 zář 2024, Naples, Itálie

#GiornataEuropeadelleLingue 2024 | Languages for peace, Giovedì 26 settembre, ore 10.30 EUROPE DIRECT Napoli, Via Egiziaca a Pizzofalcone, 75 - II Piano Il 26 settembre si celebra in tutta Europa la Giornata Europea delle Lingue. Tale Giornata (in inglese European Day of Languages - #EDL) è nata su iniziativa del Consiglio d’Europa, che nel 2001, assieme alla Commissione europea hanno organizzato l’Anno Europeo delle Lingue. Per questo, come già fatto negli scorsi anni, il Comune di Napoli, attraverso il Centro Europe Direct, organizza una iniziativa di sensibilizzazione verso la cittadinanza per incoraggiare l’apprendimento delle lingue. Di seguito il programma: Saluti Istituzionali del Dirigente e/o Resp. Europe Direct e Introduzione alla Giornata; Tavoli di conversazione in lingua. Tenuti con l’ausilio di volontarie del Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà e una tirocinante Erasmus, per provare praticare la lingua che si sta studiando o che si vorrebbe imparare, acquisendone i primi rudimenti e risorse; sfide tra i team di studenti, con due giochi linguistici; premiazioni e attestato di partecipazione alla Giornata. Sono invitati a partecipare alla Giornata delegazioni di studenti e professori di Istituti coinvolti nel Progetto ed. ASOC2324 Hashtag della Giornata: #EDLangs #DiscoverTr ---------- #EuropeanDayOfLanguages 2024 | Languages for peace, Thursday, Sept. 26, 10:30 a.m. EUROPE DIRECT Naples, Via Egiziaca a Pizzofalcone, 75 - II Floor September 26 is celebrated throughout Europe as the European Day of Languages. This Day (#EDL) was born on the initiative of the Council of Europe, which in 2001, together with the European Commission organized the European Year of Languages. Therefore, as it has done in previous years, the City of Naples, through the Europe Direct Center, is organizing an awareness-raising initiative towards the citizenry to encourage language learning. Following is the program: Institutional Greetings by the Director and/or Resp. Europe Direct and Introduction to the Day; Language Conversation Tables. Held with the help of volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps and an Erasmus intern, to try practicing the language one is studying or would like to learn, acquiring its first rudiments and resources; challenges among student teams, with two language games; prize-giving and certificate of participation in the Day. Delegations of students and professors from institutions involved in the Project ed. ASOC2324 Hashtags of the Day are invited to attend the Day: #EDLangs #DiscoverTr ---------- #EuropäischerTagDerSprachen 2024 | Sprachen für den Frieden, Donnerstag, 26. September, 10.30 Uhr EUROPE DIRECT Naples, Via Egiziaca a Pizzofalcone, 75 - II Stock Am 26. September wird in ganz Europa der Europäische Tag der Sprachen begangen. Dieser Tag (auf Englisch European Day of Languages - #EDL) geht auf eine Initiative des Europarats zurück, der 2001 gemeinsam mit der Europäischen Kommission das Europäische Jahr der Sprachen ausgerufen hat. Wie schon in den vergangenen Jahren organisiert die Stadt Neapel über das Europe Direct Centre eine Initiative zur Sensibilisierung der Bürger für das Sprachenlernen. Nachstehend finden Sie das Programm: Institutionelle Begrüßung durch den Direktor und/oder Resp. Europe Direct und Einführung in den Tag; Sprachliche Konversationstische. Mit Hilfe von Freiwilligen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps und eines Erasmus-Praktikanten, um die Sprache, die man studiert oder lernen möchte, zu üben und die ersten Grundkenntnisse und Ressourcen zu erwerben; Herausforderungen zwischen den Studententeams, mit zwei Sprachspielen; Preisverleihung und Zertifikat über die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung. Delegationen von Studierenden und Lehrkräften der am Projekt beteiligten Einrichtungen (ASOC2324) Hashtag des Tages: #EDLangs #DiscoverTr

Venue: Europe Direct Napoli (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Students

Organizer: Europe Direct Napoli
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 35
Address: Via Egiziaca a Pizzofalcone, 75, II Floor, 80132, Naples, Itálie
Contact Name: Europe Direct Napoli
Website: https://www.comune.napoli.it/europedirect

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20 nápadů pro letošní ročník Evropského dne jazyků

Snažíte se vymyslet aktivity s dostatečnými rozestupy konané v rámci letošního Evropského dne jazyků? V této nejisté době může být náročné organizovat akce pro velký počet osob tak, aby byly bezpečné a atraktivní. Níže uvádíme několik nápadů, jak rozproudit vaše kreativní myšlenky, z nichž většina je založena na principu „od malých k velkým“! 20 nápadů na činnosti, které lze provádět s dostatečnými rozestupy.

20 nápadů pro letošní ročník Evropského dne jazyků

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20 nápadů pro letošní ročník Evropského dne jazyků

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2024's 'most innovative event' is
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

The event received 1900+ votes and was organised by Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2024.
