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Fake (f)or Real: The curator's tour

 Exposition, 26 септ. 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria

Throughout the centuries – in war, politics, the economy and other spheres of human activity – forgery and deceit have been used to advance their creators’ goals. Diligently crafted, these complex falsifications hide the fact in a maze of half-truths and complete fabrications. To get to the facts, one needs to follow the thread to the labyrinth’s core, discovering and exposing every lie or forgery on the way. We live in a world in which the quantity, spread and prevalence of these distortions have drastically increased. Fake for Real: A History of Forgery and Falsification, is an exhibition that explored such themes for more than a year at the House of European History, its Brussels base. Now, it is reaching out and going on tour to various European countries. The second step is in Sofia, in National Ethnographic museum (16.07-20.10.2024). The exhibition presents falsifications throughout history. It describes the specific historical circumstances that explain their appearance, the interests and motives behind them, the impact they had and how they were ultimately debunked. It also contains an interactive space, with games and videos, where visitors can become fact-checkers and decide on what should be published or not. Fake for Real unfolds chronologically across six themes. They recount stories of deception through numerous case studies, visualised with objects. Most of these artefacts are part of the House of European History collection. Come and learn more on our curators' tour in English, German, French, Romanian and Bulgarian on the European Day of Languages - September 26!

Venue: National Ethnographic Museum (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Adults (in general) Language learners Pupils Language teachers Students Language experts General public Young people (in general) Tourism

Organizer: IEFSEM-BAS
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 1000
Address: sq. ""Alexandar I", № 1, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact Name: M. Katosheva

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20 идеи за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците

Се мачиш да најдеш идеи за ‘социјално дистанциран’ настан за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците? Во овие несигурни времиња може да биде тешко да се организираат настани кои се воедно безбедни и привлечни за голем број на луѓе. Подолу се дадени неколку идеи кои ќе го поттикнат твоето креативно размислување, повеќето од кои се основаат на принципот “почни од помало да стигнеш до поголемо!”. 20 идеи за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците.

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'Најиновативен проект' 2024 г. е
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Настанот доби 1900 + гласови и беше организиран од страна на Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

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Највеќе бевме импресионирани од креативноста и големите напори што беа вложени во организирање на предложените настаните и би сакале да се заблагодариме на сите организатори на ЕДЈ настаните во 2024.