EDL in Šalčininkai
27 syys 2024,
Šalčininkų, Liettua
The teachers and students of Šalčininkų Jano Sniadeckio gimnazija are invited to celebrate the European Day of Languages and the 20th anniversary of enlargement in a short presentation on languages and translation, followed by a mini quiz on languages.
Venue: Šalčininkų Jano Sniadeckio gimnazija (Show On Map)
Target groups: Pupils Children
Organizer: European Commission
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Address: Mokyklos g. 22, 17115, Šalčininkų, Liettua
Contact Name: Šalčininkų Jano Sniadeckio gimnazija
Website: http://www.sniadeckio.salcininkai.lm.lt/
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