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"The word PACE in various European languages"

 Language Day, 23 sep 2024 - 26 sep 2024, Șuța - Seacă, Rumunsko

Conducting teaching activities : 1. Introduction of the activity: At the beginning, the teacher will explain the meaning of the Day of Languages and the importance of linguistic diversity. A short dialogue will allow students to express their views on what "peace" means to them. 2. Divide into groups: Students will be divided into groups, each group having the responsibility of learning how to pronounce and write the word "peace" in different European languages (eg: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, etc. ). 3. Creating posters: - Each group will create a poster in which it will include the word "peace" in the language studied, alongside the flag of the respective country. - Students will use art materials to make the posters as attractive as possible, adding colors and designs that symbolize peace, such as doves or olive branches. 4. Poster presentation: Each group will present their poster to the class, explaining which language they chose and the meaning of the word "peace" in that culture. This will stimulate discussions about different perspectives on peace in different cultures. 5. Reflection exercise: At the end, students will be asked to write a short paragraph about what "peace" means to them and how they can help promote it in their community, regardless of language. 6. Display of posters: The posters will be displayed in a visible space of the school, so that all students and teachers can admire the work done and learn about the various European cultures. Conclusion: This activity will not only help students learn words in different languages, but will encourage an appreciation of diversity, promoting values such as respect, tolerance and collaboration between cultures.

Venue: Secondary School Șuța - Seacă, județul Dâmbovița (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Children Students Parents

Organizer: Clasa a VI-a, Școala Gimnazială Șuța - Seacă, România
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 30
Address: Main Street, 137269, Șuța - Seacă, Rumunsko
Contact Name: Iancu Delia

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20 nápadov na tohtoročný Európsky deň jazykov

Hľadáte nápady na podujatie k tohtoročnému Európskemu dňu jazykov? Môže byť náročné organizovať podujatia, ktoré sú zábavné, inkluzívne, majú vzdelávací prvok a motivujú veľké množstvo ľudí. Nižšie uvádzame niekoľko nápadov, ktoré vám môžu pomôcť v kreativite, pričom väčšina z nich je založená na princípe „začať v malom a ísť vo veľkom“! 20 nápadov na aktivity, ktoré môžu byť realizované na oslavu tohtoročného Európskeho dňa jazykov!

20 nápadov na tohtoročný Európsky deň jazykov

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20 nápadov na tohtoročný Európsky deň jazykov

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Najinovatívnejšia udalosť roku 2019 2024
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Akcia získala viac ako 1900 hlasov a organizovalo ju Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Víťazom blahoželáme!

Kreativita a úsilie vynaložené na organizáciu aktivít, ktoré nám boli zaslané, na nás urobili veľký dojem a chceli by sme poďakovať všetkým organizátorom podujatí k Európskemu dňu jazykov 2024.