Word Safari: A Journey Through Europe
23 sept. 2024 - 27 sept. 2024,
Banská Bystrica, Slovaquie
Eighth and ninth grade pupils will prepare various activities for their first grade classmates during their English lessons aimed at expanding their English vocabulary as well as their knowledge of other European languages, cultures, and national specificities. They will have the opportunity to taste, hear and see Europe and unlock the secrets of Europe tongues.
Venue: Primary School Moskovská 2 (Show On Map)
Target groups: Apprenants en langues Élèves Enfants Enseignants en langues Étudiants Jeunes (en général)
Organizer: ZŠ Moskovská 2, 97404 Banská Bystrica
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 360
Address: Moskovská 2, 97404, Banská Bystrica, Slovaquie
Contact Name: Martina Kostková
Website: https://zsmoskovska.edupage.org/?
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