Language Challenges for the European Day of Languages
Language Day,
24 szept. 2024 - 30 szept. 2024,
Corsico, Olaszország
This is part of an eTwinning project (Languages challenges for the European Day of languages), with different activities (Brainstorming, interviews, presentations Language Challenges, Cross-curricular projects, ICT for learning) related to the promotion of languages
Venue: IIS FALCONE-RIGHI (Show On Map)
Target groups: Language learners Researchers Pupils Children Language teachers Students Language experts General public Young people (in general) Media Participants in adult education programmes Policy deciders/politicians at national Parents
Organizer: Angela Panzarella
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Address: Viale Italia 22, 20090, Corsico, Olaszország
Contact Name: Angela Panzarella
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