"Voices of Europe: Expressions and Melodies"
15 set 2024 - 26 set 2024
In this interactive webinar, 17 teachers and their students aged 6-11, from 6 European countries come together to celebrate the diversity of languages. Participants will learn everyday expressions and greetings in each other's native languages and engage in a collaborative musical experience, singing traditional songs from their cultures. This event fosters linguistic exchange and unity, highlighting the beauty of Europe’s multilingual identity.
Target groups: Pupils Children
Organizer: Mariana Lenuța Bumbaru, Cristina Dediu,, Geanina Țurcanu
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 415
Contact Name: Școala Gimnazială Nr.29 Galați România
Website: https://www.scoala29gl.ro/
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