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Our colourful global mosaic

 Language classes, 24 sept. 2024 - 26 sept. 2024, Argalasti, Greece

Class A: Part 1: Showing a ppt on "unique" words that are difficult to define in one language and even more difficult to translate into another, using illustrated material. Discussion with participants about the words that made the biggest impression on them. Part Two: Writing challenge: A written challenge for students to define what we call "filotimo" in Greek, in order to highlight the variety of answers. Class B: Gathering famous quotations about the importance of language. Discussion with students on the ones that impressed them the most in order to highlight the importance of language as a tool for understanding and dialogue, as the foundation of culture, as the creator of cultural diversity and as a means of intercultural awareness and communication. Class C: Written essay competition on the importance of language learning in relation to the challenges of the modern world.

Venue: General Lyceum of Argalasti (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Students

Organizer: General Lyceum of Argalasti: Georgia Manafi, Loukia Ferekidou, Syrago Liatzoura
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 90
Address: Argalasti, 37006, Argalasti, Greece
Contact Name: Georgia Manafi

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

Mučiš se da nađeš ideje za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika? Organizacija događaja koji su zabavni i privlačni velikom broju ljudi, a opet imaju obrazovni element i motivišu, može biti izazov. Evo par ideja koje će inspirisati tvoju kreativnost, od kojih je većina zasnovana na principu „početi od manjeg da bi se stiglo do većeg“! 20 prijedloga za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika.

20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

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'Najinovativniji događaj' 2024 je
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Događaj je dobio 1900+ glasova i organizovao ga je Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Čestitke pobjednicima!

Bili smo oduševljeni kreativnošću i velikim naporima uloženim u organizaciju izloženih događaja i voljeli bismo da se zahvalimo svim organizatorima EDJ događaja u 2024.