Explore the European Union
Language Day,
26 ira. 2024 - 26 ira. 2024,
Badín, Slovakia
"Explore the EU" is an interactive event where pupils will discover the countries that make up the European Union. Through fun activities, games, and presentations, they will learn about the cultures, languages, and histories of each member country. Pupils will engage in quizzes, country displays, and group discussions to deepen their understanding of the EU and its importance in Europe today.
Venue: Základná škola Badín (Show On Map)
Target groups: Language learners Children
Organizer: Natália Smoleňáková
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 300
Address: Tajovského 2, 97632, Badín, Slovakia
Contact Name: Natálía Smoleňáková
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