Celebration, 26 Set. 2024 - 23 Dec. 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece
Venue: Senior High School of Intercultural Education of Eastern Thessaloniki (Show On Map) Target groups: Language learners Researchers Pupils Children Language teachers Students Language experts General public Young people (in general) Media Policy deciders/politicians at national Parents Organizer: Senior High School pf Intercultural Education of Eastern Thessaloniki Estimated number of participants/people involved: 50 Address: 8, Ethnikis Aminis, 54621, Thessaloniki, Greece Contact Name: 1)Damtsi Efthymia(English teacher) 2) Tsalgatidou Maria(German teacher) 3) Leventi Tessa(Philologist) 4)Nikolaidis Georgios (IT teacher and school headmaster) Website: https://blogs.sch.gr/lykdiapt/eyropaiki-imera-glosson-2024/
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O evento recibiu 1900+ votos e foi organizado polo Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.
Parabén aos gañadores!
Impresionounos enormemente a creatividade e o grande esforzo realizado para organizar os actos presentados e queremos dar as grazas a todos os organizadores dos actos do DEL de 2024.