Wolf's Intercultural adventures
Language Day,
26 Set. 2024 - 30 Set. 2024,
serres, Greece
To commemorate European Day of Languages, our eTwinning project, 'Wolf's Intercultural Adventures,' is organizing a collaborative activity. Students from six countries will record themselves saying the words 'wolf' and 'school' in their native languages. We'll create a digital poster showcasing these recordings to foster understanding and appreciation for our partner schools' languages.
Despina Partala
Αυτό έβαλα σαν περιγραφή, πάνω στης Πόπης πάτησα που είχε στον χάρτη
Venue: 29o Kindergarten of Serres (Show On Map)
Target groups: Pupils
Organizer: Evangelopoulou Ariasni
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 230
Address: Evzonon 7,, 62125, serres, Greece
Contact Name: Evangelopoulou Ariadni
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