Phrase poster dictionary
Poster campaign,
24 Вер 2024 - 26 Вер 2024,
Trenčín , Словаччина
At the beginning of the school year the classes picked up a phrase in Slovak- e.g. Dobrú noc, Ako sa máš? Prosím. On ICT lesson they found the translation of the phrase in different foreign languages, later they made a poster on Art lessons. All the works have been displayed in the main school corridor .
Venue: Základná škola Kubranská 80 (Show On Map)
Target groups: Pupils
Organizer: Základná škola Kubranská 80 Trenčín
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 250
Address: Kubranská 80, 91101, Trenčín , Словаччина
Contact Name: Viera Píšová
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