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 Language Week, 23 Set. 2024 - 27 Set. 2024, NEA IONIA, Greece

In the framework of the “European Day of Languages 2024”, the 14th Kindergarten of Nea Ionia Attica, organized a creative and educational action named “Languages for Peace”. The cause of this action was all the students to learn the word “Smile” in various european languages and how they can spread a hopeful message for Global Peace. They learned about Mother Teresa, the Catholic nun and Saint and also founder of “Missionaries of Charity”, which developed many years of humanitarian action and missionary work for the poor and unfortunate people, children and refugees. She travelled all over the world serving this cause selflessly for 16 year. In recognition of her charity work, she received several honors including the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. There is a famous saying of Mother Teresa “Peace begins with a smile” which was the inspiration of the student’s great photo collage! The little students of Class 1, with their teacher Mrs. Georgia Potouridou, who inspired this action, smiled with the hope to start peace all over the world. Their smiles shined brightly and were heard loudly. The word “smile” was written in many European languages under each student’s photo, wishing those smiles may never leave the face of all of us!! The background of the frames with the smiles was imprinted on a large white paper, on which the children with their teacher threw colored “Peace bombs” that were created by themselves. They chose the color Blue and named it the color of Peace, because the sky is always blue and clear in times of Peace. Some of the phrases heard by the children, searching the phrase of Mother Teresa were… “Peace always smiles at us…” “We smile a lot when there is peace…” “We always smile in peace…”

Venue: NEA IONIA ATTIKIS (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Pupils Children Students

Organizer: 14th Kindergarten School of Nea Ionia Attikis
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 24
Address: Omorfoklissias & Tirolois 2, 14233, NEA IONIA, Greece

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20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

Cústache atopar ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas deste ano? Organizar actos divertidos, integradores, educativos e que motiven a un gran número de persoas pode ser todo un reto. A continuación, ofrecémosche algunhas ideas para dar renda solta á túa creatividade, a maioría das cales se basean no principio de “empezar polo pequeno para chegar ao grande”. 20 ideas de actividades que poden levar a cabo para celebrar o DEL deste ano.

20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

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20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

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2024: o 'acontecemento máis innovador' é
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

O evento recibiu 1900+ votos e foi organizado polo Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Parabén aos gañadores!

Impresionounos enormemente a creatividade e o grande esforzo realizado para organizar os actos presentados e queremos dar as grazas a todos os organizadores dos actos do DEL de 2024.