Hizkuntzen Europako Eguneko ekitaldiak


Giochi senza Frontiere

 Language Day, 23 aza. 2024, Feltre, Italy

Sabato 23 novembre dalle 15.00 alle 18.00, in occasione della “Giornata europea delle lingue”, il Liceo Linguistico organizza “Giochi senza frontiere”, un pomeriggio di esplorazioni linguistiche e culturali. L’evento si terrà presso la sede di via Tofana. Ti aspettiamo!

Venue: Giornata Europea delle Lingue (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Adults (in general) Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers Students Young people (in general) Media Parents

Organizer: Liceo Linguistico G. Dal Piaz
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 70
Address: Via Tofana Primo 8, 32032, Feltre, Italy
Contact Name: Sabine Hofmann e Alessandra Ballon
Website: https://liceodalpiaz.edu.it/

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20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

Struggling to find ideas for an event for this year’s European Day of Languages? It can be challenging to organise events that are fun, inclusive, have an educational element and motivate a large number of people. Below are a few ideas to get your creative thoughts flowing, most of which are based on the principle of “starting small to go big”! 20 ideas for activities that can be carried in celebration of this year's EDL.

20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

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20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

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Eman botoa urteko ekitaldi berritzaileenaren alde!

Piper eta gatz pixka bat emateko HEGari, gure orrira sartzen zarenean botoa ematen ahalko duzu berritzaileena iruditzen zaizun HEG ekitaldiaren alde, sorkuntza gisara aipagarriena delako, edo bere erabilgarritasunagatik, edo, besterik gabe, egunaren esanahia hobekien islatzen duena delako.  Bozketa hilabetez egonen da zabalik, irailaren 22tik urriaren 21era; abenduan jakinaraziko da irabazlearen izena. Botorik gehien jasotzen dituen ekitaldiaren antolatzaileari oroigarri bat emanen zaio.

2024's 'most innovative event' is
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

The event received 1900+ votes and was organised by Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2024.
