Eachtraí igcomhair Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha

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The PLCS Initiative for Peace

 Language classes, 26 MFómh 2024 - 14 DFómh 2024, NICOSIA, Cyprus

The Language Initiative for Peace named PLCS (Play, Learn, Create, Speak & Sing) takes place in our Foreign Language classes. The classes turn into workshops and game-based learning that make learning fun, indoors and outdoors. Students of all class levels gain language awareness, and a new perspective of languages as a vehicle for democracy and peace. The highlights of the interactive Foreign Language classes are: -an English language treasure hunt made up of a word puzzle, language recognition and general knowledge questions -Collaborative production of the song ‘The Voice of tomorrow’ https://suno.com/song/a7321584-0654-4761-94fa-99338b8c2b9d) about language and democracy using AI (sunno.com). Students came up with a set of instructions for AI based on genre, content, specific words to be included in the song related to values such as peace, democracy, unity, etc. -Discussions about languages in danger of extinction, the reasons and possible solutions to the problem, their revival and preservation of the languages -Competitions via online quizzes in English and French -play of the traditional Cypriot game “Mantili” (Handkerchief) promotes our culture, human rights and democracy, strengthens student relationships and wellbeing. Students study the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, and each group member takes a name of the rights. The game took place in three rounds and it ended in a draw. Freedom and Solidarity were winning rights -poster creation with the words “peace” and “love” in various languages

Venue: Regional Lyceum of Palaiometocho (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Language teachers Students Language experts Parents

Organizer: Regional Lyceum of Palaiometocho (The Foreign Language Department)
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 250
Address: 1 Christou Karyou street, Palaiometocho, 2682, NICOSIA, Cyprus
Contact Name: Chrysanthi Nicodemou
Website: https://lyk-palaiometocho-lef.schools.ac.cy/

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20 smaointe le haghaidh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha i mbliana

An bhfuil tú ag streachailt le smaointe a fháil d’imeacht do Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha i mbliana? Is féidir leis a bheith dúshlánach imeachtaí a eagrú atá spraíúil, cuimsitheach, a bhfuil gné oideachais leo agus a spreagann líon mór daoine. Seo thíos roinnt smaointe chun do chuid smaointe cruthaitheacha a chur chun cinn, agus tá an chuid is mó acu bunaithe ar an bprionsabal "tosú beag le dul mór"! 20 smaoineamh do ghníomhaíochtaí ar féidir a chur i gcrích chun EDL na bliana seo a cheiliúradh.

20 smaointe le haghaidh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha i mbliana

Téigh chuig leathanach gréasáin

20 smaointe le haghaidh Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha i mbliana

Téigh chuig leathanach gréasáin

Caith do vóta! – an imeacht is nuálaí i mbliana 

Chun an Lá a dhéanamh níos corraithí fós beidh fáilte roimh gach duine a thugann cuairt ar an suíomh a vóta a chaitheamh le haghaidh na himeachta LET is nuálaí ina thuairim. D’fhéadfadh imeacht a bheith nuálaíoch de bharr go bhfuil sí cruthaitheach, inaistrithe nó díreach toisc go léiríonn sé spiorad an Lae. Is féidir vótaí a chaitheamh ar feadh míosa ón 20 Meán Fómhair go dtí an 20 Deireadh Fómhair agus fógrófar an buaiteoir i mí na Nollag. Beidh duais bheag ar fáil don eagraí a bhfaighidh a imeacht/a himeacht an líon vótaí is mó.

2024's 'most innovative event' is
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

The event received 1900+ votes and was organised by Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2024.