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Quiz de connaissances dédié à la Journée européenne des langues

 Quiz/Game, 26 Sep 2024 - 26 Sep 2024, Beograd, Serbia

Knowledge quiz is an activity where students have the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things through the game. The idea is to, through joint activities, prepare and implement a quiz about the importance of language, about why we celebrate the European Day of Languages...

Venue: XIV beogradska gimnazija (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Language teachers

Organizer: French teacher
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 34
Address: Hadzi Prodanova 5, 11000, Beograd, Serbia
Contact Name: Svetlana Mijatovic-Stojinov

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20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

Struggling to find ideas for an event for this year’s European Day of Languages? It can be challenging to organise events that are fun, inclusive, have an educational element and motivate a large number of people. Below are a few ideas to get your creative thoughts flowing, most of which are based on the principle of “starting small to go big”! 20 ideas for activities that can be carried in celebration of this year's EDL.

20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

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20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

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Stëmmt mat of iwwert déi innovatiivst Aktivitéit an dësem Joer! 

Fir dass dësen Dag nach méi spannend gëtt, hutt Dir d'Méiglechkeet, beim Besuch op der Website Är Stëmm ofzeginn, fir déi Ärer Meenung no innovatiivsten EDL-Aktivitéit. Dëst kann sech op Kreativitéit oder op Iwwerdrobarkeet bezéien oder einfach dorop, dass d'Initiativ de Sënn vum Dag am beschten zum Ausdrock bréngt. Et ka véier Woche laang ofgestëmmt ginn, tëschent dem 20. September an dem 20. Oktober; de Gewënner gëtt am Dezember verkënnegt. Den Organisateur vun der Aktivitéit mat de meeschte Stëmme kritt e klenge Präis.

2024's 'most innovative event' is
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

The event received 1900+ votes and was organised by Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2024.