Događaji Evropskog dana jezika

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European Day of Languages

 Celebration, 26 sept. 2024 - 24 okt. 2024, Komotini, Greece

Our school wanting to participate in the celebration of the European Day of Languages, 26th September, since 2001, could not miss the opportunity to organize projects to promote plurilingualism, the beauty of communication through different languages, the power and special characteristics each language has. Looking into the students’ own interests and ideas, B, E and F class united their work, their research for a common cause. So all B class students, 2nd Grade, selected a European country each, drew the flag of that country, learned its name and then thought of their favourite word in order to learn how to say it in the European language they have chosen, in English and Greek. A short video has been created, using pictures produced through Artificial Intelligence with all the children’s words pronounced in the language chosen through the voice of Avatars. At the same time, E class, 5th Grade, searched the days of the week in French, German, English, the seasons in English, German, Turkish and Greek and how to greet in different parts of the day in 4 different languages, French, German, Italian and English. They listened to the words, tried to spell them correctly in each language, they used their imagination and created collages with the chosen words along with the flags of the countries and they made posters. They even designed pictures of the words they have chosen, the so called word clouds, through word art. They even learned about the custom of Schultüte, a long tradition, in the German-speaking countries, signifying the 1st day at school for children of the 1st grade. The Schultüte is a long twist of paper looking like a funnel, decorated with bright colours and designs. Parents fill this ‘funnel’, paper, with candy, school things, toys, or other presents to render the first day at school enjoyable and exciting for their child. This tradition, dating back to the 19th century, still remains extremely popular, being the occasion to celebrate this important event in the children’s educational life. For this reason, students were invited to put all their favourite colours and anything else they love for a smooth transition to the first year of German at school! In addition, F class students, 6th Grade, coloured the map of Germany, the flag of the country, the national emblem, and talked about German-speaking countries, as well. Everybody enjoyed it, played with the languages, learned to locate the countries on the map. They became aware of language families spoken in Europe, read posters, became aware of this year’s EDL logo. As a school we always embrace such initiatives and enjoy participating in celebrations promoting languages and communication.

Venue: Komotini (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers Language experts General public Policy deciders/politicians at national Parents

Organizer: 6th Primary School of Komotini
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 95
Address: 9 Mesologgiou Street, 69132, Komotini, Greece
Contact Name: Nikolaidis Theodoros
Website: https://blogs.sch.gr/6dimkomo/eyropaiki-imera-xenon-glosson/

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

Mučiš se da nađeš ideje za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika? Organizacija događaja koji su zabavni i privlačni velikom broju ljudi, a opet imaju obrazovni element i motivišu, može biti izazov. Evo par ideja koje će inspirisati tvoju kreativnost, od kojih je većina zasnovana na principu „početi od manjeg da bi se stiglo do većeg“! 20 prijedloga za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika.

20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

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Glasaj za najinovativniji događaj ove godine!  

Da bi se dodatno začinio ovaj Dan, svaki posjetilac veb stranice može da glasa za događaj EDJ-a koji smatra najinovativnijim. Bilo zbog njegove kreativnosti, prenosivosti ili jednostavno jer stvarno predstavlja duh Dana. Glasanje je otvoreno mjesec dana, od 20. septembra- 20. oktobra, a pobjednik će biti proglašen u decembru. Organizator događaja koji je dobio najviše glasova osvojiće malu nagradu.

'Najinovativniji događaj' 2024 je
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Događaj je dobio 1900+ glasova i organizovao ga je Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Čestitke pobjednicima!

Bili smo oduševljeni kreativnošću i velikim naporima uloženim u organizaciju izloženih događaja i voljeli bismo da se zahvalimo svim organizatorima EDJ događaja u 2024.