Guide for teachers

Conas an leabhar a úsáid sa rang - cúpla smaoineamh:

  • Seiceáil na leaganacha éagsúla den leabhar atá ar fáil anseo.
  • Tá 2 shraith greamán ar fáil:
    • Príomhghreamáin scéalta: Cén áit lena mbaineann na greamáin sa leabhar? Déan na greamáin a phriontáil ar pháipéar greamáin nó priontáil iad ar ghnáthpháipéar ionas gur féidir le daltaí iad a ghearradh agus iad a ghreamú isteach sa leabhar.
    • Greamáin shlánaithe boilgeoga cainte: tá cuid acu sin ar fáil trí do chuid sealaíochta. Seachas sin ní gá ach iad a phriontáil ar pháipéar A3 agus iarr ar na mic léinn iad a scríobh isteach sa leabhar.
  • Cá bhfuil na teangacha sa leabhar á labhairt?
  • An féidir leat cosúlachtaí a aimsiú idir na teangacha.
  • Seiceáil na fíricí suimiúla sa phríomhscéal agus oibrigh leo sin.
  • Cé na teangacha atá cosúil le do cheann féin? Déan iniúchadh ar an gcrann teanga ar leathanach 51. Is féidir leat an crann teanga a phriontáil mar phóstaer freisin agus é a chur ar bhalla an tseomra ranga.
  • Déan liosta do líon na gcainteoirí máthairtheanga ó bheag go mór.
  • Iarr ar na daltaí cosúlachtaí a fháil amach sna focail sna boilgeoga cainte: e.g. An bhfeiceann tú cé acu "tá" agus "ní hea" atá cosúil?
  • ...

Conas a d'úsáid TÚ é? Cuir aon smaointe maithe in iúl dúinn!


pHqghUme, American Samoa

pHqghUme, American Samoa

zFPWdwPk, American Samoa
I will print the book without the information. I will give the information to the students and they will have to stick it in the correct language. Then will colour it and hang it on any school wall. At the entrance of the school we will place the cover of the book and the tree of languages to encourage families, teachers and students to find all languages around the school. I will also ask my students to think a word which languages represent for them (tolerance, culture, respect, learning, etc.) and place them also all around the school.

I'm asking each student to work with the CANVA app and make a poster about a European country of their choice, discover its flag, map and currency. Then students must translate using Google, a few useful words for a tourist visiting that country. Finally the students must pronounce and record those words.

Anabela Brito, Portugal
I have printed out the pages of the book and put them on the wall all over the school. The students can read about different languages, they can also scan QR code and explore the languages themselves.

Mateja Sukič Kuzma, Slovenia
J'enseigne le "FLE" aux élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés au collège. Ils vont chercher les pays, y associer les langues et nous allons créer de nouveaux posters avec les leurs.

Marie, France
It would be great to have had an interactive online version considering so many kids are on remote learning....

Elizabeth, Italy
I have erased some of the languages in the family language trees and I am going to ask them to fill in with the missing languages that I will give them. Then I will ask which language they would like to explore more and thn I will challenge them to learn the basics of this language from the handbook and read the text. Finally, they will make posters in groups and/or record words of these languages

Maria, Greece

Leaganacha den leabhar

An leabhar iomlán, ar fáil i go leor teangachal:
Bosanski - Català - Čeština - Crnogorski - Dansk - Deutsch - Ελληνικά - English - Eesti Keel - Español - Français - Gaeilge - Hrvatski - Italiano - Lietuvių - Magyar - Македонски - Malti - Nederlands - Norsk - Română - Русский - Српски - Slovenčina - Slovenščina - Suomi - svenska - íslenska

Sa leagan seo tá an príomhscéal in easnamh. Tá an príomhscéal i bhformáid pdf ar leith agus is féidir é a phriontáil ar ghreamáin oifige rialta. Is féidir le daltaí a fháil amach ansin cén teanga lena mbaineann na codanna den scéal.
Leabhar gan príomhscéal agus gan boilgeoga cainte. Sa leagan seo is féidir le daltaí gach ceann díobh thuas móide obair a dhéanamh ar na boilgeoga cainte, trí iad a líonadh isteach nó trí úsáid a bhaint as na greamáin boilgeoga cainte

Lara images