Eventos do Día Europeo das Linguas 

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Multicultural market

 Language festival, 27 Set. 2024 - 13 Xuño 2025, Zagreb, Croatia

Multicultural market  "The limits of my language are the limits of my world." (L. Wittgenstein) In our Hotel and Tourism school we wanted to share with everyone beautiful experiences from the Language Festival we participated in this year. Therefore, we have prepared a small “Multi-cultural market” for the purpose of exchanging our experiences, cultures, languages ​​and encouraging the development of multiculturalism and multilingualism. If you want to see "The world in miniature", was located in one classroom where can all students cine and look at our colorful and interactive "market". Students can freely "detach" the materials, borrow them for home use or browse, read... They are also invited to bring something from their last journey to enrich the "market" (brochures, pictures, souvenirs, symbols, photos from travels, excursions, etc...). Students feel free to "pin" their own materials so that others can also "travel" with them and figure out new travel destinations. At the end we would take pictures of everything they bring and have a little competition. We will choose the "MOST MULTI-CULTI PHOTO" every month and announce the winner on the school's website. Until 31.10. our students "pin" lot of pics in classroom and at the end of the month we will announce the name of the winner for the month of October.

Venue: Hotel and Tourism school (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Pupils Language teachers Students Tourism

Organizer: Hotel and tourism school
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Address: Botićev trg 1 , 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Contact Name: Tomislava Maljković, Ana Trogrlić
Website: http://www.ss-hotelijersko-turisticka-zg.skole.hr/?news_hk=1&news_id=2190&mshow=1139#mod_news

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20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

Cústache atopar ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas deste ano? Organizar actos divertidos, integradores, educativos e que motiven a un gran número de persoas pode ser todo un reto. A continuación, ofrecémosche algunhas ideas para dar renda solta á túa creatividade, a maioría das cales se basean no principio de “empezar polo pequeno para chegar ao grande”. 20 ideas de actividades que poden levar a cabo para celebrar o DEL deste ano.

20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

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20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

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Vota o evento máis innovador do ano! 

Para engadirlle emoción ao DEL, ao visitar a nosa páxina poderás votar polo evento DEL que che pareza máis innovador, xa sexa por creatividade, transferibilidade ou simplemente porque realmente representa o espírito da xornada. A votación permanecerá aberta durante un mes, desde o 20 de setembro ata o 20 de outubro, e o gañador será anunciado en decembro. O organizador do evento máis votado recibirá un pequeno obsequio.

2024: o 'acontecemento máis innovador' é
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

O evento recibiu 1900+ votos e foi organizado polo Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Parabén aos gañadores!

Impresionounos enormemente a creatividade e o grande esforzo realizado para organizar os actos presentados e queremos dar as grazas a todos os organizadores dos actos do DEL de 2024.