Eiropas Valodu dienas pasākumi

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The workshop “Let's talk English”

 Workshop, 26 sept. 2024 - 26 sept. 2024, Ужице - Uzice, Serbija

The workshop “Let's talk English with Molly Sutton” on the occasion of the European Day of Languages was organized by the Expert Council of Foreign Language Teachers of our school and the school librarian. After the musical welcoming programme, which was performed by the students, the guests were given gifts, in memory of our city, where she, as a scholarship holder of the international exchange of students, was engaged as a teaching assistant in the English faculty of the University of Pedagoske. The goal of the workshop was for seventh and eighth grade students, through a conversation with a native English speaker, to get to know different aspects of life in America, starting with the school system, family life, extracurricular activities, sports, food, but also to deal with life and education in our country.

Venue: ОШ ,,Душан Јерковић" - Dusan Jerkovic Primary School (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Adults (in general) Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers Students Language experts General public Young people (in general) Media Policy deciders/politicians at national Parents Tourism

Organizer: The Expert Council of Foreign Language Teachers and the school librarian
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 80
Address: Трг Светог Саве 10, 31000, Ужице - Uzice, Serbija
Contact Name: Mirjana Radovanovic Pejovic
Website: https://dusanjerkovic.edu.rs/

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Vai grūti atrast idejas par to, kādu pasākumu rīkot par godu šā gada Eiropas Valodu dienai? Organizēt pasākumus, kas būtu jautri, iekļaujoši, ar izglītojošu ievirzi un motivētu daudzus cilvēkus, var būt izaicinoši. Zemāk atradīsiet dažas idejas radošu domu rosināšanai. Vairums ideju balstītas principā „sākt pamazām, lai sasniegtu ko lielu”. 20 idejas šī gada EVD pasākumam.

20 idejas šī gada Eiropas Valodu dienai

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20 idejas šī gada Eiropas Valodu dienai

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Balsojiet par gada inovatīvo pasākumu! 

Lai Eiropas Valodu diena kļūtu interesantāka, katrs var balsot par kādu inovatīvu EVD pasākumu. Tā var būt gan jauna, radoša iecere, gan jau zināmas idejas veiksmīga, inovatīva realizācija, gan vienkārši un patiesi atspoguļots Eiropas Valodu dienas gars. Balsošana notiek no 20. septembra līdz 20. oktobrim, uzvarētāji tiek paziņoti decembrī. Par pasākumu, kas saņem visvairāk balsu, organizatoram tiek piešķirta neliela atzinības balva.

2024's 'most innovative event' is
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

The event received 1900+ votes and was organised by Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2024.