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Niżżel il-cards kollha
Jekk tixtieq tistampa l-cards, jekk jogħġbok uża l-file għall-istampar
The copyright of this poster belongs to the Council of Europe. It was produced in 2001 for the European Year of Languages and then adapted for the European Day of Languages declared by the Council of Europe and celebrated every year on 26 September throughout Europe. The poster may be used and reproduced provided it is accompanied by the following text "© Council of Europe, Strasbourg".
Niżżel il-poster fil-format .pdf (skur) Niżżel il-poster bħala stampa .jpg (skur)
Niżżel il-poster fil-format .pdf (abjad) Niżżel il-poster fil-format .jpg (abjad)
English Français Deutsch
Tista’ tistampa d-dettalji tal-avveniment tal-għażla tiegħek fuq wara tal-kartolina.
Crnogorski Deutsch English Français Српски