L-awtovalutazzjoni tal-ħiliet lingwistiċi tiegħek 

The 'Self-evaluate your language skills' tool helps you to assess your level of proficiency in the languages you know according to six reference levels described in the Komuni Ewropew ta’ Referenza għal-Lingwi (QKERL). Il-logħba tinbena fuq il-gradilja tal-awtovalutazzjoni tal-QKERL. Din l-għodda ġiet żviluppata miċ-Ċentru Ewropew għal-Lingwi Moderni tal-Kunsill Ewropew.


The 'Self-evaluate your language skills' tool helps you to assess your level of proficiency in the languages you know according to six reference levels described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The tool draws on the CEFR's self-assessment grid.

This tool was developed by the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe, www.ecml.at
